What Inflated Fayoses Ego In Ekiti Will soon Be Exposed----Jide - TopicsExpress


What Inflated Fayoses Ego In Ekiti Will soon Be Exposed----Jide Awe Jide Awe, Chairman, All Progressives Congress in Ekiti State, in this interview with Punchs Fisayo Falodi and Kamorudeen Ogundele, disclosed that the governorship election won by Ayo Fayose in Ekiti State was far from what is called and known as free and fair. AFTER THE JUNE 21 ELECTION, THERE WAS INSINUATION THAT GOVERNOR KAYODE FAYEMI LOST THE ELECTION BECAUSE HE WAS FAR FROM THE GRASS ROOTS. DO YOU AGREEYou have called it insinuation. Insinuation may be an opinion expressed, which is not a fact. The fact of the matter is that we have served the Ekiti people within the last three and half years to the best of our knowledge. And service is multi-dimensional. We believe sincerely that we have done our bit. I want to believe that our best may not be good enough. We dont want army siege to continue in Ekiti, that was one of the reasons the governor went on air to congratulate the so-called winner. Again, if what the people are saying is that people should be eating corn and boli and epa on the street, I think some of us are cultured and have a background which is not synonymous with Ayo Fayoses brand of hooliganism. The governorship seat has its own etiquette and it is not good to throw norms and ethics to the winds because you want to gain position. As I have said, to the best of our knowledge, we have served the people. SO, WHY DID FAYEMI CONCEDE DEFEAT Why not FAYOSE CHALLENGED FAYEMI THAT HE DID NOT CONSTRUCT ANY ROAD FROM THE START TO THE FINISH, IS IT TRUE You can see for yourself. BUT FAYOSE SAID THAT ALL THE ROADS FAYEMI REHABILITATED WERE BUILT BY HIM. That was Fayoses opinion, which is different from the fact. That was why I said opinions are free. According to Kayode Fayemi, opinions are free; facts are sacred. DO YOU MEAN FAYOSE IS LYING Facts are sacred. You are journalists. Go and start from the boundaries between Ondo and Ekiti states; and Igbara-Ode down to Ado-Ekiti and from Ikere end of the road to Ado-Ekiti or you go from Ikole to Iluomoba down to Ijan or you move from Erijinyan to Ilawe, then from Ilawe to Ado-Ekiti and you go farther to the township roads in Ado-Ekiti, if these are constructed from start to the finish, then you can judge. Whatever pleases anybody, he can open his mouth and say it. We knew what the roads were when we came in and we know what they are now. ONE OF THE CLAIMS BY THE INCOMING GOVERNOR WAS THAT FAYEMI DID NOT START THE CONSTRUCTION OF ANY ROAD AND THAT HE ONLY BUILT ON THE EXISTING ROADS.I know that the road that comes from Lagos to Ibadan was constructed in 1977, I dont know of any other road if you want to reach Lagos from Ibadan. It has been constructed by succeeding governments. The road from Abuja to Kaduna is still the road. FAYOSE SAID EKITI WAS EIGHTH POSITION IN PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS BEFORE HE LEFT OFFICE, HAVING BROUGHT IT FROM 34TH POSITION. IS IT TRUE THAT THE STANDARD OF EDUCATION FELL UNDER FAYEMI’S ADMINISTRATIONThe Ministry of Education will answer that question. But we knew when we came on board that the educational standard of Ekiti was at the lowest ebb. The conduct of WAEC became terrible when people would come from neighbouring states and hibernate in Ekiti for two weeks and at the end of the day got results. We knew when groundnut vendors would be selling WAEC question papers, that was the situation we met in Ekiti State. So, the Ministry of Education is in a position to give data. What we know is that we have upgraded the standard from 22 per cent to 75 per cent. It is not a joke. Ordinary eyes cannot see some of these things we are talking about unless through serious research. And you cannot give what you dont have. What is the educational pedigree of the person talking So, that is rostrum talk; when somebody mounts the rostrum and starts talking, he may be expressing his opinion because some of the statements may not be factual, that is what we are saying. IS IT NOT STRANGE THAT FAYEMI WHO CLAIMED TO HAVE PERFORMED WAS REJECTED BY HIS PEOPLE AT THE POLL It is not his claim. Performance is in the court of the people. It is not Fayemis claim that he had performed well. It is what the people are saying. If you have been coming to Ekiti State in the last seven years, you would be able to see the difference between what existed and what now exists. So, it is not Fayemis claim that he had performed well. SO WHY WAS HE REJECTED BY THE PEOPLE THROUGH THEIR VOTING That is election; it is politics. What is sauce for the geese may not be sauce for the gander. So, that is why we have choice to make. SHORTLY AFTER THE ELECTION, SOME PEOPLE ACCUSED FAYOSE OF INDUCING VOTERS WITH RICE, BUT FAYOSE SAID LATER THAT APC, YOUR PARTY, ALSO SHARED COOKED RICE TO SEEK VOTERS’ SUPPORT. WHAT IS YOUR REACTION TO THISCooked rice The issue of rice or no rice, I believe, should have been forgotten by now. We are looking at the substance. You are looking at the surface rather, you dont look at the depth. So, if you are now making rice an issue in an election period, it stands logic on its head. And to me, it is very debasing that 21st century Ekiti man queues up for rice and it becomes an issue in an election. It gives me concern as an Ekiti man and at the same time calls for questioning. If you are talking of pounded yam, then we believe that it is Ekitis favourite. IF GOVERNOR FAYEMI HAS CONCEDED DEFEAT TO FAYOSE, WHY IS APC STILL GOING TO COURT It is very noble in this part of the world that somebody will concede defeat. The APC is saying that there are some things it wants to unravel. And I made a statement in an advertorial that parts of the landmines that had been planted for 2015 general elections were detonated in Ekiti, which I called a very bad experiment. In a situation where you put the whole state under siege two weeks before the election, you militarised the whole place, even with dogs and horses. Election cannot be a war more than what we experienced in Ekiti State in the name of election. So, I believe some of these things, other than the result of the election, need to be questioned not because of now but for the future. In a situation where you mobilised soldiers from their barracks to intimidate, to hijack, to suppress and to arrest innocent citizens 72 hours before the election, that is an aberration and strange to democracy. You cannot continue to use soldiers to suppress democracy and expect democracy to grow. These are some of the things the leadership of APC said they are going to examine. Two weeks earlier or a week before the election, we cried out that ballot papers were brought to Ekiti and were being thumbprinted in the compound of the Director-General of Fayoses Campaign Group, Chief Anisulowo, and two people were arrested in the process and taken to Abuja, we have not heard anything about them. Three weeks to the election, a lorry load of materials was seized at Efon-Alaaye and brought back to Ado-Ekiti, but INEC said they were used materials meant for disposal. At the end of the day, 3,000 ink pads meant for the 2014 Ekiti State election were found in the lorry. That is under investigation and at the same time, the type of ink brought for the election was vanishing ink, because the real ink meant for the election had been removed from the INEC store under the guise of taking away disposable materials. When you put all these together, they are meant to be questioned. The Yoruba will say that a hunter who sacrifices a big game to Ogun is doing so because of the future. THERE ARE ALLEGATIONS THAT CONTRACTS AWARDED BY FAYEMI WERE PAYBACKS TO GODFATHERS, IS IT TRUE Well, I am not in a position to know which contracts were awarded. I am the party chairman, I am not a part of the contract awarding committee but to the best of my knowledge, all the works we have done; the construction of roads, the renovation of schools, various vehicles bought for traditional rulers and Iya-loja and some other projects are ongoing, must be executed by human beings. So, whoever the contracts were awarded to must have fixed addresses because there is a Bureau of Public Procurement and due process in Ekiti State and if contracts were awarded without due process, they could be subjected to investigation, even while the governor is in office or immediately after he leaves office. FAYOSE DESCRIBED FORMER GOVERNOR SEGUN ONI AS KOROFO (EMPTY SHELL) BECAUSE HE COULD NOT DELIVER HIS LOCAL GOVERNMENT. DO YOU AGREE WITH THISWhat Fayose has seen to have increased his ego will soon be opened to the public by calling a former occupant of governorship seat all sorts of names. What has inflated his ego will soon be blown open, I wont say more than that [for now]. WHAT IS YOUR REACTION TO A CLAIM THAT FAYEMI’S CHIEF OF STAFF, YEMI ADARAMODU, WIELDED MUCH POWER AND THAT THE DEVELOPMENT CONTRIBUTED TO THE GOVERNOR’S DEFEATWhy are they just saying it now A Chief of Staff serves his master and the master has the right to hire and fire. I think he is in the best position to complain, as the man who hired him. That is why I said that people are free to express their opinions. DO YOU AGREE THAT FEDERAL MIGHT CONTRIBUTED TO FAYOSE’S VICTORY IN THE ELECTION Federal might Didnt you see it displayed overtly. The might that could not be used at Chibok; at Sambisa forest, was now brought to Ekiti and by the time they were unleashing terror on our people here, Boko Haram insurgents too were at work, doing what they know how to do best. If the level of force used in Ekiti was taken to Chibok, by now the over 200 Nigerian girls abducted by the Boko Haram insurgents would have been rescued. The Yoruba people will say ofi ete sile, onpa lapalapa (misplacing priority). If such level of force was used in the nations borders, we would have detected where those girls were kept for more than 85 days.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 08:56:35 +0000

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