What a way to met the CEO of the company you work for! Meena - TopicsExpress


What a way to met the CEO of the company you work for! Meena Shenoy, all of 5, is hurrying out of the lift on the 9th floor when Prajay Nayak, over 6, hurrying to the lift, collides with her. She is knocked flat on her back, all in disarray, and ends up with a sprained ankle. As Meena gets to know Prajay she realizes she likes him very much, too much it seems! Horror of horrors, he asks her to help him find a wife by writing adverts to be placed on internet dating sites and in newspapers. The most important requirement is the lady must be around 6. Will he find the kind of wife he requires and so satisfy his family, or will he wake up to see how much he and Meena have in common? This book is a lovely surprise, well-written and humourous. Im enjoying it very much and think it well-worth recommending. The book is - The reluctant matchmaker by Shobhan Bantwal.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 17:43:23 +0000

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