What a week!! On a high at the beginning of the week. Excited - TopicsExpress


What a week!! On a high at the beginning of the week. Excited about new opportunities and the way my life is opening up. Then Thursday - a tough one, full of anxiety and stress and Friday joined that party.....and then Friday afternoon came to its senses and my energy shifted into more calm waters and into excitement about the first Cambodian wedding we were going to that evening. It was also our first anniversary of World Travel Day. Had a fantastic fun night at the wedding. Surrounded by so much warmth and love and laughter and food and very loud music, 8 courses, dark warm beer with ice - I actually drank it....in the absence of wine what could I do?!?! there was live entertainment all night - 3 Khmer Wedding Singers pumping it out. And then everybody had finished their 8 courses - all served as a communal plate - they were up dancing this kind of laid back groove they do and they move and groove in constantly moving circles around the room and its all in the hand movements - gotta practice those! We met a few other Barangs (thats us foreigners) and some of them had only been in Siem Reap for 2 days and their tour guide invited them along! Its all OK - everyone is welcome. The groom Chea looked resplendent in a Hot pink tunic over his black pants. It was a thick silk woven number and he just positively glowed :) No matter where he was in the crowd of 400 (a small wedding) he could be seen. The bride had a couple of changes of clothe through the night. She looked AMAZING - she wore red. We came home and my energy had completely transformed from the dark place it had been in the 48hours before and into feeling alive and inspired and a complete knowing of what I needed to do for myself. So, today we ended up at a pagoda seeking a monks blessing. We sat and chatted Long, the monk. He had limited english but the little 10year old boy who lives in the pagoda is learning english. It was delightful chatting to him. He wants us to be his parents and take him to Australia........luckily we live here! Well exercise parental visiting rights and visit him at the pagoda. :) We had a wonderful blessing from Long and got a monk shower whilst he chanted prayers and surrounded us with incense. It was great. I was so hot (must have been about 40 degrees I reckon). He finished by putting a pink and write woven bracelet on James. He then wove me a red bracelet. I have no idea what the colours mean to a Buddhist but Im running with what pink, white and red mean to me. James has had a growing rash up his arm from where the bracelet is tied. Its almost up to the top of his arm now! Very mysterious :) You never know where youre gonna get taken from one moment to the next. But I do believe that Im always going to choose and be taken by the very thing that will show me what I want to know. I love this life and its gifts - even the poorly wrapped ones :) This weeks wild ride from ecstasy to despair and back again has shown me SO much and Im so grateful. So grateful I wanted to get on FB and share this with anyone who happens to read it!! I love it when I give myself permission to have a completely new experience and to also be open to do things really differently if one way isnt working. Well, Ive enjoyed sharing this little window of my life.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 10:54:14 +0000

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