What about eggs - Part 3: Cancer & Choline Over 2 million men - TopicsExpress


What about eggs - Part 3: Cancer & Choline Over 2 million men in the United States are living with prostate cancer. As long as it stays localized, the survival rate is close to 100%, but if it starts to metastasize the survival rate drops to only one survivor out of three. What causes it to start to spread? Compared to men who ate no eggs those who ate less than one egg per day had a 200% increase in the spread of their prostate cancer. Why would eggs do this? The answer appears to be choline. Choline: Eggs are extremely high in choline. They are the major source of choline in the diet and a major determinate of choline levels in the body. The higher your level of choline the higher your risk of getting prostate cancer in the first place. And, now we find that the higher the level of choline the more likely the cancer is to spread as well. And, the higher the level of choline the more likely one is to die of the cancer. Only two and a half eggs per week will increase the risk of lethal prostate cancer by 81% compared to men who had less than half an egg per week. Choline levels are so high in cancer cells that we can scan a person to track choline uptake in the cells of the body and use that scan to accurately measure the spread of cancer. Meat is also associated with an increased incidence of cancer, and one of the mechanisms appears to be a substance called carnitine, which is especially high in red meat. Carnitine is converted in the gut into trimethylamine that is then absorbed and changed to trimethylamine oxide (TAMO) when it passes through the liver. TAMO causes inflammation in the cells leading to cancerous changes in the cells. Scientists believe this is a major factor in many forms of cancer. TAMO also enters the artery walls leading to further inflammatory arteriosclerosis plaque formation. Many people are trying to reduce their intake of red meats because it has become common knowledge even among meat eaters that red meat is bad for you. “Cancers, tumors, and all inflammatory diseases are largely caused by meat eating” Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 388. But, apparently choline does the same thing! Choline is also converted into TAMO exactly the same way. And, when researchers look at it they find that eggs raise TAMO levels in the blood the same as red meat. So not only are eggs bad for your heart, but as far as cancer is concerned, eating eggs is the same as eating red meat! (to be continued)
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 06:05:15 +0000

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