What do You Know about Ramadan? [3] Ramadan is the month of - TopicsExpress


What do You Know about Ramadan? [3] Ramadan is the month of expiating sins: The Most Kind, blessed this nation with the complete benevolence, and granted it from His grace and favor, and specified this month with His prevailing forgiveness. The Messenger Of Allah (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “May his nose be immersed in the sand the one who I was mentioned in his presence and he didn’t pray on me, may his nose be immersed in the sand the one who Ramadan approached and left and he wasn’t forgiven, may his nose be immersed in the sand the one who his parents became old in his presence (life) and didn’t admit him to paradise.” [Reported by At-Tirmidhi 3545 and Al-Albani sadid good and authentic] «رغم أنف رجلٍ ذُكرت عنده فلم يصلِّ عليَّ، ورغم أنف رجلٍ دخل عليه رمضان ثمَّ انسلخ قبل أن يغفر له، ورغم أنف رجلٍ أدرك عنده أبواه الكبر فلم يدخلاه الجنَّة» رواه التِّرمذي 3545 وقال الألباني: حسنٌ صحيحٌ The Messenger of Allah (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever stood up praying (at night) in Ramadan out of faith and hope in reward he will be forgiven of all his sins.” (Agreed upon) «من قام رمضان إيمانًا واحتسابًا غُفِر له ما تقدَّم من ذنبه» متفق عليه
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 13:29:04 +0000

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