What do you do when youre feeling blue? I had a rough night - TopicsExpress


What do you do when youre feeling blue? I had a rough night last night, and Im feeling tired, depleted, and Im also anxious about my sons departure back to Utah in a couple short weeks. Im busy with work from QC job--and struggling to focus and get the work done and though Im trying not to, Im worried about $. Though Im choosing to do as Marie Forleo says and saying theres always more where that came from and choosing to see abundance possibilities instead of lack. I Heres what I am doing to battle my blues: Lunchtime, fresh, chilled watermelon, a delicious, healthy, homemade soup (I call it kitchen sink soup as its made from whatever is left in the fridge and cabinet, and somehow always tastes amazing! This batch, coconut milk, veggie broth, celery, lentils and brown rice, so easy, so tasty!) followed by watching a couple of episodes of Seinfeld. I have found comedy is a great antidote to the blues. Being thankful for a lovely message and a beautiful song (In Dreams by Jai Jagdeesh) sent by a dear friend helped brighten my day. Music is a powerful tool. Friends are helpful when Im feeling down. I often feel the most depressed when Im feeling alone, disconnected from my friends and like I do not have a sense of community/belonging. A few quality moments with a friend helps alleviate that feeling. My friend lives in California on the opposite coast, proving that time and distance need not come between people. We make time for what matters to us. A 15 minute bike ride in the sunshine this morning with Hiram and Jaiden made me feel better. Sunshine is really good for fighting off the blues and producing vitamin D. I always feel better when I get some sunshine. I think Im going to do 30 minutes of yoga here shortly. Excited to try this new sequence from Yoga by Candace: 30 Minute Heart Opening Feel Good Yoga. Dont you love the title? Heart-opening? Yes...This seems to be just what I need when Im feeling down. Its time to open my heart. Tune back in, check in with this body, my body, my amazing vessel through which I experience this life. I discovered Yoga by Candace videos recently and have enjoyed 2 of her 15 minute youtube videos. Candace has such a sweet voice, is very skilled at yoga and offers some really unique and elegant cues. Her pacing is just right for me. Her videos are also for sale, if you like them too please consider purchasing them and supporting her. Then after a heart-opening yoga sesh I plan to finish my work, and the treat myself and Jaiden (weather permitting) to some quality time in nature at one of my most favorite places near the river. Being near water is always very soothing to my soul. (Pictures to follow if we get out there!) I will be making extra time to mediate with my gratitude journal tonight and am planning to go to bed on time (maybe even early) in hopes of getting some good rest tonight for a better day tomorrow. Being in a space of gratitude always helps me feel better. Rest always helps and is critically important but unfortunately isnt always a given so its important to have other strategies to use to get you through those dog days. How do you (healthfully) cope with your down or dog days? Do you have a tried and true method that works for you?
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 20:43:23 +0000

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