What good is sitting alone in your cell... Cant help but feel a - TopicsExpress


What good is sitting alone in your cell... Cant help but feel a little sad for the guy. He was never going to have any longevity in the biz. I always thought it was kind of telling of the industry how he was forced upon us. Usually movie stars become movie stars after some breakthrough role. He was suddenly just there, starring in every giant blockbuster that couldnt afford a real movie star or didnt want to spend the money on one. A little gift from Michael Bay when he needed to spend his Transformers budget on the transformers. Bay wasnt stupid. He knew why people were going to see the movie. Its kind of right there in the title. So the actors were arbitrary. The rest of Hollywood saw Shia cast in an A List movie and assumed he was an A-Lister. Thats the way the studios work. No one is ever judged on their intrinsic merits. Just perceived hype. In reality, he was just a poor mans Johnny Depp. With none of the charisma. He was never a star in his own right, always playing second fiddle to imaginary characters. So now hes coming to the realization that he never really had any star power. And probably never will. Just the right guy in the right place at the right time. Well, that time is passed. Hes not even that bad an actor. Just... expendable. Not that that matters one way or the other. Hollywood doesnt pay you to act. It pays you to put asses in seats. And in this business, youre only as important as the hype machine allows you to be. Goodbye, Shia. You served your purpose. You were a decent enough place filler until the transformers were no longer enough to draw a crowd and needed an actual name to help them along. Hey, is Wahlberg available? Hollywood chewed you up and decided you werent fit to swallow. Rest in peace in the spit bucket of American cinema.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 04:01:33 +0000

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