What is THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS? Follow the search for that - TopicsExpress


What is THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS? Follow the search for that answer here... (Book Excerpt #136…Note: This picks up where the last excerpt left off. For purposes of continuity, daily reading will prove very helpful.) You do have control, of course. You select, create, and then act on every emotion you ever have. What you select, when you create it, and how you act on it is solely up to you. No one can make you have any particular emotion. And knowing this, embracing it, results from a growth in Consciousness arising out of your use of the Soul’s tools of Gratitude and Recontextualization. These tools produce a shift of attitude, not of circumstance. Nothing has changed, but everything is different. What has been altered is not the exterior, but the interior. Now you are internally clear that you are always at choice regarding your Experience of any and every Event or Circumstance, knowing that your Experience is based on Emotions about that Event or Circumstance, arising out of your Thoughts about that Event or Circumstance, emerging from your Truth about that Event or Circumstance, produced by the Data that you hold about that Event or Circumstance—which Data can, upon your decision, be expanded at any time to include the Awareness of the Soul. With such an expansion of the Mind’s Data, you become instantly clear that nothing can be forced upon you, ever, and that how you are experiencing Life is how you choose to. You can peer down the throat of the lion without fear, or recoil at the sight of a spider. You can walk the ledge without trembling, or you can shrink from walking out of your own house. The choice is yours. It has always been yours. The world can do things to you, but it cannot extract things from you that you do not choose to give. A steady focus on The Only Thing That Matters, using powerful tools such as Gratitude and Recontextualization, places you in the space of royalty, as the sovereign of your own Kingdom. Your Kingdom has come, your Will is being done, on earth, which is part of heaven. Has it not been written: “Ye are Gods”? ================================= ================================== Visit this site: CWGConnect to find out more. (NOTE from NDW SUPPORT: Neale considers THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS (just released from Hay House) to be his most important book to emerge from Gods inspiration since Conversations with God. Neales dream is that everyone could read every word thats in this text. He is therefore posting the entire book, line-by-line, here on Facebook, in daily excerpts. He hopes that you will find the book as beneficial as he has.)
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:00:01 +0000

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