What is going on? Why do we have cops being shot in the - TopicsExpress


What is going on? Why do we have cops being shot in the streets? Why do we have civilians being shot in the streets? Why do we have protests going on in the streets? Why oh, Why oh, Why? I am far from the smartest man on the planet(as my Trivia Crack Stats show) but I have some very simple and blunt answers to the questions posed! 1- Ronald Reagan stated clearly Government is NOT the solution...it IS the problem? What does that mean? i- It means this. For EVERY government program AIMED at helping people...there are millions hurt. How? Financially! Emotionally! If you gear your message towards one group....create angst... you create voter potential. ii- Lets look at minimum wage. I will concede...it should be higher. But lets consider facts. Employers pay...unemployment wage insurance, social security insurance, health insurance, liability suits, taxation conformance, legal fees, and taxes; state, federal, and so on and so forth. So here you go....YOU want $15 per/hr, OK. EASY, eliminate two or three of the other fees, fines, penalties and taxes and you can have SAID wages...Government is not the solution ITS the problem. 2-Health Care. We ALL want affordable Health Care. YET. A federally mandated program ISNT working. Hasnt worked in Europe...WONT work here! The rates arent affordable. Why? Because Doctors are pricks? NO! Because Government wishes to stick their fingers into EVERYTHING. How about TORT reform? How about male-practice reform? THESE arent even on the docket? How do we fix our Health Care without looking at the REAL problems. We dont! We become Europe! Yet Europeans have been coming here for YEARS... paying out of pocket...due to the deficiencies in their Health Care? So how does that work? Government is not the solution ITS the problem! 3- Campaign Finance Reform. How do we get politicians...benefiting from the finance...to vote for the REFORM? Limit the TERMS! PERIOD! Government is not the solution ITS the problem! 4- Safe streets? We CANT have safe streets WITHOUT Cops. We cant have cops if we SHOOT them...We cant stop shooting then if we promote they are BAD? We NEED law-enforcement, we NEED Military. ALL other functions of government are superficial...unless you are liberal...in which case you deem the function and power of the state as supreme, (as did others historically) Government is not the solution ITS the problem. 5- Partisan Politics! This is the BIIIIIIIIG ONNNNE! Americans, WORK for a living! Americans EARN their KEEP! Americans kick the CRAP out of those who oppress their people!..(they dont release criminals) Americans honor ALL faiths and traditions...Americans RESPECT the founding principals, that includes Christian/Judeo principles and teachings! (that doesnt mandate you GO to church...it mandates you do-unto-others-as-you-would-have-done-to-you) Americans OBEY the laws of the land! You mandate away my freedoms... You mandate away my pay... You mandate away my choices... You mandate I PAY for others capable of paying for themselves You mandate I PAY for Health Care for others You mandate I PAY for retirement of others You mandate I PAY for Government greed, then BLAME it on Corporate Greed You mandate I PLAY the fool, while you make 500% more than the average worker you govern, and you expect me to lie down quietly? YOU are fortunate, the BULK of the American Populace Lies down to the music of the Pied Piper....I dont hear the music...I hear the slanderous lies of the corrupt political body that is EVER expanding the regulations destroying the life I GREW UP HEARING I COULD EARN! Play a different tune, or STOP playing...you music is destroying what MILLIONS died to preserve! If YOU want CHANGE? Stop depending on the PROBLEM for the solution? At one point in History...People relied on People NOT Government....NOW you vote for FREE MONEY? Yet those giving the money...have NO interest in you HAVING more? They would rather dole out just enough to create strife....and THEN convince you you CANT do better ON-YOUR-OWN!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 00:00:52 +0000

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