What is the meaning of the verse which says This is a people that - TopicsExpress


What is the meaning of the verse which says This is a people that have passed away? ( Section : Quran and its meaning ) Question : What is the meaning of the following verse in Surat is Baqarah: «This a people that have passed away. Theirs is that which they earned, and yours is that which you earn. And you will not be asked of what they used to do.» [1] What is the meaning of And you will not be asked of what they used to do? Thank you. Yusuf Answer : In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, and may blessings and peace be upon our Master, Mohammad, and his good and pure Family, and may the curse of Allah be upon all their enemies. The offices answer: May peace and the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you. The following is taken from a previous answer given by the Sheikh: This verse does not confirm the impermissibility of doing historical research, nor do we believe that any jurist claims such a thing. Allah (Exalted is He) said: «And you WILL NOT BE ASKED…» He did not say: «And DO NOT ASK…» He did not forbid us from asking and researching the history of the actions of the previous nations that have passed away, but rather He informed us that we will not be asked about their actions, in the meaning that we will not be carried their burdens; theirs is that which they earn from their deeds, and ours is that which we earn from our deeds. This is the only significance given in the verse. The Glorious Quran is loaded stories of the previous nations, and it invites us to look into their actions so that we may see what their destiny became. Allah (Exalted is He) said: «Indeed, there have been ways (of life) before you; therefore, travel in the earth and see what was the fate of the rejectors.» [2] He (Exalted is He) also said: «Indeed, We have sent into every nation a Messenger saying: Worship Allah and avoid Satan. Among them were people whom Allah guided, and among them were people whom aberration was due; therefore, travel in the earth and see what was the fate of the rejectors.» [3] He (Exalted is He) also said: «How many towns have We destroyed, which were wrong-doing? They tumbled down on their thrones. And how many wells are lying idle and neglected, and castles lofty and well-built? Do they not travel in the earth, so that their hearts (and minds) may think reasonably, and their ears may hear? Indeed, it is not their eyes that are blind, but rather their hearts that are in their breasts.» [4] If someone today would ask Allah to have mercy upon Qabeel, Namroud, Firawn, Abi-Lahab or Musaylamah, or any other personality that represents disbelief and deviation, in such a case a believer has no other option than to have some sense of honor that draws him to the truth, and hence you would see him take a brave stand against those who ask Allah to be pleased with the wrong-doers. Because if they do so, they are in reality mixing truth with falsehood, and they make falsehood become truth, and the deviated become a guided person! Also, no one has the right to object to the act of this brave believer, saying: Qabeel, Namroud, Firawn, Aba-Lahab and Musaylamah have all died and they exist no more. So why should we go through pages of history?! Similarly, if someone today would ask Allah to be pleased with the polytheist priests of Quraish, the Christian priests of Najran, or the Jewish priests of Khaibar, in such a case a loyal and courageous believer can not remain silent, but rather you would see him take a stand and say: These people are enemies of Allah and His Messenger (may Allahs blessings be upon him and his family)! How can you ask Allah to be pleased with him? Those who ask Allah to be pleased with these people can not justify their act with the excuse that they did so with the purpose of brining religions closer to each other or in order to prevent bloodshed! Such an excuse is worse than a sin! Shall we consider the feelings of the Jews and the Christians and hence ask Allah to be pleased with their idols, and not consider the feelings of Allahs Messenger (may Allahs blessings be upon him and his family) who suffered because of them?! No and never! A loyal and courageous believer should come and make a stand, with all strength and bravery, and storm this realm of falsehood, and repeat the following Word of Allah (Exalted is He) in which He condemns the Jewish leaders: «The likeness of those who were entrusted with the Torah, but yet not observe it, is as the likeness of a donkey bearing books. Evil is the likeness of the people who denied the Signs of Allah. And Allah does not guide the unjust people.» [5] Moreover, a believer should not care for anyone who protests saying: Why do you swear at the Jewish priests and describe them as being donkeys bearing books?! Theyre our brethren in our countries (such as in Egypt, Morocco and Yemen)! Similarly, when someone would ask Allah to be pleased with Abu Bakr, Omar, Aisha or Hafsa with the allegation of bringing us closer to those who have been deceived by these personalities, in which they cross that of the Quran which condemns them, as well as cross the sayings of Allahs Prophet and his pure Family (may Allahs blessings be upon them) in disapproval of these personalities…in such a case a loyal and courageous believer has no other option than to take his brave stand and say: O people! Those whom you ask Allah to be pleased with; they are unjust people! They are hypocrites! They have violated Allah and His Messenger! They have created corruption on earth! O people! Allah (Exalted is He) has deprived Abu Bakr from faith in His saying: «Then Allah sent down his peace upon him» [6] Then why do you ask Allah to have mercy upon a hypocrite?! O people! Allah (Exalted is He) promised Omar a grievous punishment for what he did at the Calamity of Thursday! He said: «Therefore, let those beware, who go against his order that a trial might afflict or a painful punishment.» [7] Then why do you ask Allah to have mercy upon someone who is punished?! O people! Allah has confirmed the disbelief of Aisha and Hafsa and their conspiring against His Prophet (may Allahs blessings be upon him and his family), saying: «If you repent to Allah (and you have to do so), for indeed, your hearts have inclined. And if you back up each other against him, then surely Allah is His Guardian, and Jibril, and the Most Righteous of the Believers, and the Angels after them are the helpers.» [8] Then why do you ask Allah to have mercy upon two women who were at war with Allah and His Messenger (may Allahs blessings be upon him and his family)?! May Allah give you success to all that pleases Him. The 2nd of Safar, year 1433 The office of Sheikh al-Habib in London [1] The Quran 2:135 [2] The Quran 3:138 [3] The Quran 16:37 [4] The Quran 22:47-48 [5] The Quran 62:6 [6] The Quran 9:40. Allah sent down the peace upon the Prophet alone, excluding Abu Bakr. [7] The Quran 24:64 [8] The Quran 66:5 Reading : 349
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 07:36:35 +0000

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