What is weariness? Exhausted strength. Failing endurance. - TopicsExpress


What is weariness? Exhausted strength. Failing endurance. Washed-out vigor. Weariness brings with it spirits of heaviness and fainting that make you feel like quitting. Weariness skews your perspective. It causes you to look at the world—and maybe even the church—through bleary eyes. Weariness has friends named Discouragement and Confusion, and the trio sings a chorus that sounds something like this: “I’m bending over backward, and I’m not getting anything but an aching back. The only light at the end of the tunnel is a locomotive coming to mow me down. Nothing’s ever going to change so I may as well stop trying so hard. I don’t even know what I’m even supposed to be doing anymore!” Have you heard that refrain, or something similar? It’s easy enough to chime in and form a quartet with these voices—or even take the lead. You’ll sing your weariness song to anybody and everybody who will listen. Other weary soldiers may join the chorus and even add new lyrics. Remember the old tune, “Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen ... Nobody knows my sorrow”? I think that goes back to Job’s days, but many of us still sing that same sad song from time to time. Look, if you are doing anything great for the Lord —whether that’s heading an international ministry or a single-parent home—then you can expect weariness to visit your dwelling place. Jesus noticed 2,000 years ago that the harvest was plenty but the laborers few (Matt. 9:37). Unfortunately, not much has changed in that regard since His days on earth. So what’s a believer to do when weariness comes humming its tune? Well, first fold up your “Super Christian” tights nice and neat and hang up your cape in the closet. In other words, take some rest at the first sign of weariness. Remember, weariness is the first stop on the road to burnout. God commands us to keep a Sabbath day once a week. Even Jesus got tired sometimes—and He is the Son of the Living God. Again, I believe weariness brings it cousins Discouragement and Confusion, and their melody is as miserable as the saddest country song you’d ever want to hear. You already know the answer to weariness, of course. It’s in the Word of God. As I searched the Bible, I was encouraged and decisive (the very opposites of discouraged and confused) about the remedy for weariness. Indeed, the Bible is full of promises to the weary soldier. So tune up your vocal chords and get ready to sing these verses to the enemy next time you feel weary: If you are weary, Jesus is calling to you now. He is saying, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly” (Matt. 11:28-30, MSG). Unforced rhythms of grace ... I like that promise.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 10:39:35 +0000

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