What motivates a human to trophy hunt animals? Most of the reasons - TopicsExpress


What motivates a human to trophy hunt animals? Most of the reasons you can find on the pro-trophy hunting sites actually. The pictures they post “say” it all. The look in their eyes, the wide grins on their faces, all while posing over a carcass. They own that animal now; they have proved their worthiness and rightful place among the manliest of men (or manliest of women). They do not kill for food or for conservation; they kill for entitlement and power. How often along with these pictures are the comments about what a beautiful animal it was? What a gorgeous leopard for example. It is a wonder that they don’t even see the contradiction. When something is beautiful you kill it?! It is like the millionaire that buys a work of art so that only he can possess it and see it. See if the leopard was still living other people could enjoy its beauty, by killing it the killer takes it for himself. He stuffs it and puts it in his living room next to that expensive painting where maybe the “lucky” will get to see it someday. It is all a farce, a fairy tale they have made up in their own minds and so as well within the simple minds that are impressed with their act of killing. They do not know what beauty is because they are just so empty inside. Or perhaps it is the opposite end of the spectrum and they are ridding the world of “varmints and devils” such as coyotes and wolves? They made that inane judgment and gave animals human like intentions and thus these animals are powerful beings, and that power must be taken back! How better but to take it back by cruelty and torture, “we’ll show those evil wolves!” Narrow minds with rifles abound! Interestingly they still vow it is for the betterment of the earth, the progress of nations to trophy hunt. They want so bad to be in the right they create lies and manipulate statistics to prove they are doing good deeds. They supposedly do it to just feed the poor and/or manage wildlife populations for maximum effectiveness. They go on and on about the money they put into saving wildlife with the money they spend to kill it. They are helping the African continent by flying down there and spending thousands to kill a farm raised lion for example. Who do they think they are kidding? Only themselves….unfortunately all other species on this earth suffer for it. Just one admin’s thoughts while contemplating how humans can act without conscience and with such ease…
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 07:49:34 +0000

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