What movie do you wish - TopicsExpress


What movie do you wish existed? reddit/r/AskReddit/comments/2dvn31/what_movie_do_you_wish_existed/ • A series of movies called World War Z that actually followed the story of the book titled World War Z. • On that note, maybe a how to train your dragon that actually had something in common with the books? • It might not have anything to do with the books but that movie makes me so incredibly happy. Toothless is an absolute cutie, I want to hug Hiccup and the scene where theyre drawing in the sand makes my heart melt. • This would be great as a Ken Burns style documentary series • Right? HBO or Showtime could make it a multiple episode mini-series like Band of Brothers. Each episode is like, 1~3 of the stories from the book. I mean, the book is not too far off from a damn script to begin with. • Gotta agree. 2 hour movie? Not so much. Band of Brothers style HBO miniseries, done with unironic realism? 100% yes. • Huge agreement. Barstool in front with actor telling story, green screen behind giving flashbacks, 5 minutes or so each and youve the bulk of the book in just over 2 hours. Wouldve been so damned easy. • Maybe theyll do a proper one in the future. I will keep hoping until that day has come. • Stephen Kings Dark Tower series • Filmed in the 80s with Clint Eastwood playing Roland and Rutger Hauer playing the Man in Black • I just started the series, on the second book now! Would you say they would need a movie for each book though? • Ron Howard was going to do a series & movies with Javier Bardem as Roland. It would have been: A Movie A Television season A Second Movie A Second Television Season A Final Movie It was all pretty much set up but that the production studio got cold feet. • Im completely baffled that this hasnt happened yet. • I googled it and apparently JJ Abrams was involved back in 2007, but then pulled out. Theres been other attempts, but they didnt get very far. • Ron Howards attempt got to scripting an casting as was essentially right on the cusp of being greenlit before there were some doubts about the budget and then it crumbled. • Or a TV show hosted on a good network. Though I always said Id prefer an Under the Dome series as opposed to a film... nope. | (• ◡•)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) • 20+ OKcupid Visitors every day OKvisits (beta) It is free
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 13:41:59 +0000

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