What to do when you feel negative Emotions, Best - TopicsExpress


What to do when you feel negative Emotions, Best Ever! “Sometimes, if you’re bipping along, and the negative emotion has got quite a bit of Momentum before you’re aware of it, then there’s not anything you can do… But if you’re catching it in the earlier, subtle stages, consciously say to yourself, ‘I have 17 seconds to redirect my thought.’ … Just choose something that is easy for you to have that good feeling thought about. If you have to apply effort, youve already let the Momentum get away from you. Take a nap! If it feels like effort, then you are usually opening the pipeline toward what you don’t want, even though you think you’re opening the pipeline toward what you do want. Because the effort factor itself is the indicator of that. EASE and FLOW is what you’re reaching for.Get on the high-flying Disc, and then…take out the garbage. What do I do when I am aware that I am having some negative emotion? Anything you can to make it fun. Laugh at yourself about it. Here I go again with that. I’m getting better and better at this. In fact, I’m pretty good at this. I’m glad I’m so sensitive that I’m catching this in the early, subtle stages. This is not the big deal that I’ve been making it out to be. Standing here, I realize it’s simpler. No big hairy thing is going to happen. Do 100% of your affirming from that high-flying Disc…Do 100% of your affirming from that good-feeling place. And if you don’t feel good, don’t effort your affirmations…because you’re not affirming what you mean to affirm, you’re affirming how you feel, and you’re using what you think are positive sounding words. When you say, ‘I’m aware that I’m not feeling good.’ Then we say, ‘Well then you’re really on your way.’ Because knowing that you don’t feel good lets you know what to do next. If you don’t feel good, do everything you can to just sort of hunker down. The first thing you can do is stop talking about it…and don’t practice it in your mind. Every now and again, Esther will catch herself in a thought and she will think, ‘Well, that is not productive and not necessary’…and sometimes she’ll say, ‘I’m just making stuff up…that doesn’t have anything to do with anything. Why would I make something like that up? … Why would I carve out that path?’ So when you catch yourself in that kind of Momentum, just stop and laugh about it and say, ‘Is this something that I want?’ And if it isn’t, then…’Why am I digging out a pathway to something that I do not want?’ … There are all kinds of dormant thoughts that you could activate, but why activate something that doesn’t feel good when you have the ability to activate something that does feel good. And once you’ve played with this for a little while, and you start to notice the Momentum of things you’ve been asking for making their ways to you. And you start making note…of the things that are happening, that other people might be calling coincidence…well, it’s a cooperative incidence, so coincidence really is the right word, it’s just not in the way that they mean it…it’s not happenstance, it’s not luck, it’s a creation, it’s Law of Attraction responding to the Vibration that you’ve got going. But as you start doing this on purpose, and then taking note of what’s coming, you begin to get this synergy going, this Momentum, where you begin to feel your own invincibility. Then you feel like you’re waving a magic wand.” ~Abraham Hicks~
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 13:47:03 +0000

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