What we are seeing around the country cannot continue. Either the - TopicsExpress


What we are seeing around the country cannot continue. Either the black mob attacks must cease or there will be more blood in the streets than the cleaners can cope with. President Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, et al, either you stop supporting black violence in all its versions or there will arise a conflagration that you will be unable to control. (Perhaps in your blindness, you have already lost it) City after city is being ravaged by -let’s put it succinctly -black savages. And with kid gloves – administrations, governments, media and even feds, treating this as just an anomaly – you are asking for more trouble than you ever wished. Ordinary citizens can only be pushed so far. Over the past few weeks, black mobs have terrorized and brutalized innocent victims, just for their pleasure. You must ask yourselves: “Am I doing anything to inflame this??? Or am I doing anything to stop it???” The onus is on YOU. Just days ago 50 savages emerged from the jungle to brutally beat and rob two totally innocent victims: “MAN IN COMA AFTER BLACK MOB OF 50 PUMMEL HIM” “SHE SAW THEM STRIP HIM OF HIS PANTS AND GO THROUGH THE POCKETS” I mentioned “black savages” before; this is precisely that. The world is full of decent, upright and righteous blacks – these mobs are not of that constituency. They are criminally minded and brutal in their behavior. It is Black Africa all over again: tribes raiding, killing, abducting neighboring tribes – a way of life that must not be carried out here! These were headlines…and this time they got it right: “BLACK MOB OF 50″. How long do you think this can continue without a severe backlash? My answer would be: you better do something quick to turn this trend in the opposite direction or you will rue the day that you helped start it and continue to feed it. One way or another, these truants must be put to work - the old adage of idle hands, must be applied here. Take away the welfare and find some ditches to dig…DEEP. Blacks, whites, and every other color human beings have been given the best that any country can offer in this United States. The vast majority has seen fit to work to preserve that great privilege. But today we are seeing the results of years of currying dependency among millions of able- bodied citizens and when they find no need to work to support themselves, they become predators of the worst kind. We are there. Now! Continuing to offer more and more “free money” is the opposite of directing citizenry to productive lifestyles through work. When a man has no stake in the pot, he has lost an appreciation of the value of anything. Go on a rampage; beat, rob, plunder…whatever you find amusing…and then go collect your welfare. We are rapidly returning to vigilante governance – when ordinary people no longer trust their government to even fain to protect them, they will react, just as the knee jerk in the doctor’s office. Do we want this? The important question is: Do You want it? The coming days will tell us all where you stand and how serious you are. I’ve called a spade a spade; will you do the same?
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 14:47:50 +0000

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