What were Cameron Slater’s links (if any) with the Israeli State - TopicsExpress


What were Cameron Slater’s links (if any) with the Israeli State back in 2011? Was the attack on (then) Leader of the Labour Party Phil Goff, to help stop his asking ‘hard’ questions in the House about the strange circumstances surrounding the deaths of three Israelis in the Christchurch earthquake? stuff.co.nz/national/politics/5311491/Investigation-cleared-Israelis-of-spy-claims-PM Three Israelis were among the 181 people who died when the earthquake struck on February 22. An SIS officer told the Southland Times there were fears Israeli agents had hacked the police national computer, compromising highly sensitive files. Police have since said their systems are subject to regular security audits and are secure. The investigation centred on a group of four people in a van in the city centre. Driver Ofer Benyamin Mizrahi, 23, was killed instantly and the other three left the country within 12 hours. The newspaper reported Mizrahi was found with five passports. Key refused to answer questions about the revelations when he was grilled by reporters this morning, saying it was not in the “national interest.” ……. ________________________________________________________________ In WHOSE ‘national interest’? The national interest of New Zealand or Israel? ________________________________________________________________ Cameron Slater made a trip to Israel which was partially paid by the Israeli Embassy in Wellington in August 2014. nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11312402 But the Israeli Embassy in Wellington is relaxed about picking Slater – a climate change denier – to cover the World Science Conference in Israel. Despite the bad publicity, it believes Slater is “fair-minded” and “spiritual”. The embassy picked Slater to be part of a media delegation to the conference a long time ago. He had a reputation for controversy even before the release of Dirty Politics, a book based on his leaked emails and revealing deep cynicism and some nasty communications between Slater and some people in politics and PR. The embassy’s cultural and public affairs director, Patricia Deen, stands by its choice, and said Slater’s fairness showed in his coverage from Israel so far. Israel has been part-funding Slater and other writers to the conference, which was scheduled to run from August 17 to 21. While it never went ahead because of the war on Gaza, Slater has stayed on to write about Israel. The Israeli Government paid part of his costs, and he paid extra to extend his visit to cultural places, said Deen. “Cameron is a very spiritual person,” she said. Like other countries, Israel pays for journalists to visit so they can get media to see their side of the story. NZ does much the same thing in helping journalists visit our “100 per cent pure” nation. In Israel’s case, though, such delegations are often designed to counter what it believes is an anti-Israel bias on the part of international media. ….. ________________________________________________________________ hmmm…………………
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:46:37 +0000

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