What would you do if you knew something that most other people - TopicsExpress


What would you do if you knew something that most other people didn’t AND you were told to share it with everyone? Would you do it? Something that was actually given to you from God for everyone that claims the name of Jesus Christ as his or her personal Savior? But every time you try to tell others, they all pull out their own interpretations. Did God actually show them what they are talking about? I mean did they have a dream or vision that is undeniably, without a shadow of any doubt a divine work of God? Here is what I bring to the table; the group harpazo is going to take place during a cataclysmic set of events that will be the direct results of the opening of the 6th seal. You can find that in the Gospels and the Revelation. Several things need to be considered. Fear is one. Fear will be the most powerful element that will come with the cataclysms. That is because we are programmed to be afraid of things that cause death. Our first nature is to fear things like ICBM’ falling like stars, the ground rocking back and forth 5 to 10 feet at a time like a drunkard stumbling down an alley and the very powers of heaven being shaken at its core. People will be literally dieing from fear. Shaken to the very bone and their hearts failing from such fear. Here is the thing, IF and I cannot over emphasis “IF” here, IF a person is one with God 24/7. That person, you, will not react to the situation. You will instead, respond. Your response will be as it was the day that the gift was given to this servant. This is not arrogance or conceit talking here. The servant is I, but if I say me, which is conceit and arrogance because it was not I Jerry, who was given the gift it is the bondservant of Christ, who am I. ANYHOW, the response to what usually would cause me to start flipping out and adrenalin to flow like the mighty Mississippi river (first nature would have ducked under a table) was the earthquake protocol that Lord Jesus teaches in Luke 21:28 (JLV) When these things begin to happen, stand with confidence and look up! The time when you will be set free is near, your redemption is here. I stood to my feet (now this is I, Jerry, because this is what was happening to Jerry), lifted my head and hands towards heaven and immediately began to worship God in Sspirit and truth. Glossolalia in unknown tongues in adoration, praise and wholey in Sspirit, soul and body surrendered unity in God. Some here know what I am speaking of, how when you are in that zone of unity with Holy Spirit, you almost feel like you are in another realm or different dimension all together and no one or thing is there between God and you. That is where I was at that time. So all the while this is going on, the building that I was in (a 4 story solid 1 foot think re-bar reinforced cement tilt-up) was rocking back and forth 5 to 10 feet and it began to topple down on top of the temple/tabernacle/body that I am in now. Of course I noticed it happening, but the place that I was Sspiritually was passed who Jerry was or might have been to just being in Christ. So I was NOT afraid of what was happening. (BTW, the way that I am spelling Spirit like this is Holy Spirit and I are one, thus I spell it “Sspirit”) Now, take your hands and have another person (preferably someone you know) hold out their hand and you pancake their hand between yours. Doing this exercise will help you gain perspective to what I am saying, slowly slide your hands away from their hand, all the while still touching theirs till you are no longer touching at all. Did you feel that? Yes. Did it hurt? NO! That is what it will feels like when your spirit and soul (that is who you are) separates from your body (temple/tabernacle). That is where you live. The you, that is who, you, are. Now wait, don’t shout me down yet. Where my body was and let me tell you, I actually saw it being literally smushed down under me, where my body was, was now this new mansion of a body. My old body was completely SMUSHED under tons of crumpled re-bar reinforced one-foot think slabs of cement. NO PAIN!!!! NONE!!! Did I die? Technically, it’s possible. But not quit. You see, I was transformed in what is called a “twinkling of an eye”, eleven one-hundredths of a second, not a blink of an eye, a twinkle, or you can also use the term “instantly”. And not being dead already I was transformed for mortal to immortal. The already dead are decaying or corruptible and they are transformed to incorruptible. BUT both the immortal and incorruptible mansions are the same. One is not better than the other or whatever. It is just the difference between being alive or dead when it happens. OK, I’m getting off track here… NO PAIN! Or, no pain at all, none, zero, ought… How come? Because you was not allowing your OLD NATURE to control you. The new person is passed away, behold all things become NEW! But wait, you still feel fear for things and especially your life or your loved ones or whatsoever there might be that you might be concerned about. Is that the NEW creation, really you? Then when this happens and IT WILL HAPPEN during this specific generation. You will not be concerned about you little ones, family, friends or anyone INCLUDING you and your welfare in any way, shape or form. There is pain in the spirit of fear. Pain embodies the spirit and grows to deeper and more powerful, heart wrenching, soul sucking, spirit draining, despair and discouragement that is coupled with the demon of doubt, disbelief and all the other imps of hell that will grab a hold of anyone who is not literally in Holy Spirit when the time comes. Supposedly, we should have been practicing total adherence and bonding with Holy Spirit all the while that we are occupying since we received our salvation. YET, with all of the different teachings and self-gratifying venues that have popped up these passed 9 to 10 decades. Everybody is all “HEAD KNOWLEDGED out” with “know it all” arrogance and can recite this man or that one and this list goes on and on ad infinitum. FEW are actually seeking the sincere relationship that comes to those who really want that oneness that can only be found in true, solemn obedience to the one and ONLY Living God. Simple, sincere and select. Heart purpose yourself to God and His ways, in all that you do, say and think, lean not to your own understanding as you trust in the Lord. The vital way to achieve this is to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let your actual body, the temple/tabernacle of Holy Spirit and you, be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind He will find acceptable. STOP copying the behavior and customs and/or patterns of this world, let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think by the renewing of your mind. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Time is really short. Nobody is telling any of you this, the part about the transformation and how fear could hinder you due to the fact that none of them have hands on knowledge… I started out asking; “What would you do if you knew something that most other people didn’t AND you were told to share it with everyone? Would you do it?” Here am I, Lord. Two ministers were standing at the edge of the road with signs in their hands saying “The END is near” A passing motorist slowed to share his disgust in their message yelling “I am so tired of hearing your people telling us that the end is near…!!!” A short while later the two men heard the distant sound of screeching tires and then a BIG splash. One of the men turned to the other and said, “Do you think maybe that we should change our signs to “BRIDGE is OUT”? This story is cute and somewhat funny, but for some of us it is a reality that holds much water. Exhortation, admonishment and comfort are priceless. BTW, there will be an angel with you as well during this specific time. He is with you right now, you just can’t see him. You will be able to see him once it starts… what is being shown is exactly what happens, the consequences of allowing fear to take hold as well as the no fear reasons... Jesus is lifted, scripture is rendered and what is going to happen is explained by someone who has first hand experience/knowledge. But then why would any one want to know that the transformation has no pain when all of the 6th seal specific capitalisms are happening at the same time. Why would any one want to know that their angel is here now and will be there when it happens to bare them up... I disagree, but this is not my page and even though what I am sharing is Body directed specific concerning the harpazo, the event, the transformation...just because I was there once and that one time is clearly defined in scripture, Lifts Jesus up, glorifies God and explains a LOT of stuff that has been tampered with and distorted by theologians with man wisdom to answer God questions... Reference...Behold, the former things have come to pass, And new things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them. --(Isaiah 42:9) Matt. 24:29-31/ Mark 13:25-27/Luke 21:25-28/1 Cor 15:51-57 and Rev 6:12-14, I Thess 4:15-18, Ps. 91:9-12, Heb. 1:14... Jn.14:2 death by fear of dying, cataclysms during the return, transformation (dead and alive and remain), Angels being with us and holding us in troubled times and the mansion that is the stage above the temple/tabernacle .2 Pet 1:13-14. 1 Cor 1:25 showing that the wisdom of men is foolishness. The gift as being inspired by 1 Cor. 12:8. Ezek. 3:17-19, Ezek 33:6... As am I a (NOT the) watchmen, the call is being made. The explanation is plain and in simple terms. Those who hear and heed will not have calamity fall upon them and the call is complete, those who do not hear or are not willing to look even though they can see are set to their own devices. either way the blood of those who have heard the cry is not on the watchman hands. All around us there is perplexity of the sea of information flowing in from the East. The time of fulfillment is closer than many believe> It is the direct event specific responsibility, honor and distinct pleasure of the servants of God to tell what they know of, so that those who have not heard or know by reason of personal experience, learn what Father has planned. The rosy garden has thorns in it and unless someone warns them of the danger, they bruise their hands and bleed to their own shame. Beyond the garden there is great reward, but the path is through the valley of shadow of death. This is the rod and staff that renders comfort. A tool that has been used before the journey. That there is no fear of the evil that is coming. Selah, glory to God in the Highest...there is no sting to this death because the law of sin is overpowered by our salvation and the multiple specifics that come with that very salvation. For we have been set free from the law of sin and Death, by the law Spirit of Life Rom, 6:7 Love, Brother Jerry משרתם בונד של ישו https://youtube/watch?v=zlU0i2vNjeE
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 15:52:57 +0000

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