What you looking at? As I walked past the fireplace mantle this - TopicsExpress


What you looking at? As I walked past the fireplace mantle this morning I took another look at the roses David gave me yesterday.......beautiful. I walked closer and smiled as I saw that they were in a.......thermos. We do have some beautiful vases in my cupboards but he grabbed a thermos and put the beautiful flowers in them. I love them just the way they are. I walk past them and smell the beautiful aroma from the roses.....on the inside of the somewhat ugly thermos I started thinking of the importance of whats inside. So many times we judge beauty by what we see on the outside.....not taking time to really look deeper into a person and see the beauty that lies on the inside. We live in a society that judges you by your clothes, hair, weight, and anything else they can readily see on the outside. I just wonder how much beauty we are really missing out on by walking away from that one that doesnt quite measure up to our standards of beauty. I Peter 3 says: What matters is not your outer appearance, the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes....but your INNER disposition. Cultivate INNER beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in. There is a inward beauty that far outweighs anything on the outside. That one that you work with, that friend that realy isnt that pretty, that one that may have a flaw to the natural eye may be the most beautiful friend to have......the kindest, most loyal, the one who is there for you in the hard times......beautiful on the inside. I pray that we will take the time to look at a person and see whats on the inside. He or she may end up being your dearest friend. As for me......well it was easy to look past the thermos and see the beauty of the roses. When David walked into the room with them, before I even saw them I smelled the beautiful aroma. It didnt matter the container (flesh) that they were placed in. There was just something special about the roses as they entered the room. I sometimes watch the competition tv show the Voice. Its one of my favorites because it is the only one that competes on their talent alone. They are behind a screen.....no way to judge them by their appearance. When that special person starts to sing....you dont care what they look like.....you just enjoy whats coming from the inside. I pray that my life could be like the roses, that when I walk into a room people would sense the beauty and spirit of the one who lives on the INSIDE of me. I have a long way to go, but Im working on it. I need more of the God fertilizer, more of the SONlight, more of the fruits that are available in His word. God has chosen to pace the incredible treasure of His love INSIDE the common vessels of frail, flawed, vulnerable human beings. Why? So that when we reveal His love to others through an act of kindness or by praying for them, its undeniable that His power, not our own is at work. Today I want to break my jar of clay and let the treasure of His love pour out of me. Now.....back to smell those roses one more time.......be blessed I pray.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 14:50:22 +0000

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