Whats the worst thing you could ever imagine happening to - TopicsExpress


Whats the worst thing you could ever imagine happening to you? Now...What if I were to tell you that whatever that is...There is someone who would love you ..Tend after you and your needs..Someone that would carry you through it all? You would probably either think I was crazy OR Youde think that it sounds like a pretty sweet deal ! In my life As a child...I was beaten. Raped. Molested. Talked down to and criticized Those things are some of the worst things that can happen to a person Those things led me down a dark path of drug use...self hate and suicide BUT I stand here today a whole strong self sufficient women How? Because of the one who carried me!!!!!! That one is JESUS! God has given us free will. He will never force himself upon us. He gives us the choice to do right or wrong People hurt people sometimes! I have had some ask why I dont blame and hate God. I can honestly say today..I hate no one. Not even the ones who hurt me. Why? Because of the one who carried me! How could I ever hate the one who gave freely his own son to hang beaten and mocked on a cross to die for me!?!?! When I was hurt he brought people to help me. When I was sad he brought me comfort by giving me the gift of music and song. When I felt lost I was found with hands that could write my feelings and turn them into words that rhymed and sounded beautiful. All of the bad times in my life...Now speak as a witness to others that one can no matter the circumstance you can rise from the ashes of despair...And sing!!! A song of hope!!!! That friends...That is a loving God! To be free of hurt and anger Shame and guilt.....I tell you the truth....Freedom within a torn and shattered heart Is found by letting God love you...Talking to him as a friend...And trusting him Isnt that the basis for all good relationships....Trust?
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 14:04:05 +0000

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