When I had to get an Oregon driver’s license, I noticed that the - TopicsExpress


When I had to get an Oregon driver’s license, I noticed that the Oregon drivers manual had printed on it the phrase “please drive courteously”. I remember chuckling at the idea of that being on the manual what with having grown up driving in East Coast metropolises. However, people seem to do just that over there. They are much more courteous as a region (excluding Seattle of course) than drivers anywhere else I have experienced. That being said, I’m looking on the Georgia drivers manual for a phrase along the lines of: “first one to the red light gets into heaven” “signals are for pussies” “tailgating is the only art for we teach here” "only way to know if your brakes work right is to slam them" “if that Yankee fought for it as hard as they did in the war of northern aggression, they could have the spot” or something along those lines to explain things.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 13:25:05 +0000

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