When I worked in the hall of congress they said I was slightly to - TopicsExpress


When I worked in the hall of congress they said I was slightly to the right of Gengis Khan and accused me of being CIA plant. I sure some will call me a liberal after this rant, but the truth is I dont have a set ideology, I just look for practical solutions to problems. The rich have always gotten richer but they are now doing it at the fastest rate in history and times are getting worst for every one else. Plus with the Citizens United ruling billionaires like the Koch brothers, the biggest enemies to our democracy we have seen in decades have way to much influence over our daily lives. My solutions are 1. limit the amount of money that any one person can inherit to $125 million, the Koch brothers have $68 billion. The rich would simply have to leave more to different relatives. 2. Eliminate all income tax loopholes but make the first $50 thousand in family income free from income taxes. Lower the 26% tax rate to 22%. Then eliminate the salary cap on social security so that all income is taxed, but drop the rate from 6.4% to 3.4%. Apply payroll taxes to all income including capital gains. These changes would allow ordinary people to keep thousands more in their hard earned money while shifting the tax load more to the wealthy who are in a much better condition to carry the load. It would also spur the economy greatly and expand the middle class, which is our economic engine and the envy of the world by lifting more poor people up to the middle class. And while we are at it lets raise the minimum wage significantly. These changes would also allow us to invest more in education, infrastructure, and research, which will create a better future for all of us and out children. We need to do a better job of educating all our kids, we must teach them to fish themselves so we dont have to feed them all their lives. It is a simple idea that works just as Jesus said. But the kids need to be health and well fed to be able to learn. Infrastructure investment pay for themselves just like education many times over. Just look at the advances in our life styles we have enjoyed as a result of past research and think what the future could bring.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 19:22:03 +0000

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