When RasTafari is understood as a system of Yoga every individual - TopicsExpress


When RasTafari is understood as a system of Yoga every individual receives a glimpse and insight into their own divine nature.This is true worth.With RasTafari Yoga we promote spiritual emancipation , awakening or resurrection from ordinary human consciousness and mortality to Christ consciousness and immortality as witnessed in the mortal body of RasTafari.With the disciplines of virtuous living, dietary purification, study of Torah and their practice in daily life, psychophysical and psycho-spiritual exercises and meditation serve to harmonize the energies and promote the physical health of body and direct the mind , in a meditative capacity , to discover and cultivate divine consciousness. As the ancients knew in Kemet (Egypt), in Smai Tawi (Egyptian Yoga) ,By meditatively implementing the posture of His Imperial Majesty we can discover essentially His Character Which is the Christ Consciousness, the energy and divine agency of RasTafari.We promote RasTafari Yoga not just for Physical health but more so to be receptive to the meditative state of mind that allows one to come close to the cosmic forces represented by the divinity of the Trinity of His Majesty , While seated upon our Throne (in the cross legged position). We discover our own divine essence and while harmonizing our subtle energies psychophysically and psycho-spiritually to the energies of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie the First to discover and cultivate divine Christ consciousness as weve been called up to reign on the Throne with Christ ...Revelation 3:21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 18:10:33 +0000

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