When Will American Leadership Allow Justice to Be Served? From - TopicsExpress


When Will American Leadership Allow Justice to Be Served? From direct, childhood experience in the killing of my sister Allison Krause at Kent State University on May 4, 1970, I have taken a particular interest in how the United States, the city of Ferguson, the state of Missouri and those in authority have rigged the perception of the crime, the aftermath and the investigations. A few impressions: 1) The Ferguson police officers that enabled and allowed the dead body of Michael Brown to lay unattended on the street for hours must resign or be fired for their inhumanity bordering on criminality. How dare they shoot a civilian dead and leave his body in the middle of public street. 2) The media narrative on Michasel Browns killing … I see it as UNLAWFUL EXECUTION … has been censored and controlled by government forces. At first Americans were informed that it was six bullets fired … then less than ten. Then the explanation and narratives evaporated as time marched on. For what reasons are Americans shielded from accountability when US police, law enforecement and those in authority kill civilians? 3) When the Dept of Justice became involved, Michasel Browns murder became a civil rights investigation and the fix was in. There is a problem with how our government manages the aftermath when American citizens are murdered by the government (whether law enforcement, military or whoever working for the govt). When a government worker kills an American citizen, it ALWAYS becomes a civil rights case … What about US government being accountable for their MURDERS? When will America have laws to protect Americans from law enforcement killing, especially when officers use deadly force? When Allison Krause, my sister was shot dead by US military personnel at Kent State University as she protested the Vietnam War, the system for which our family could fight for #JUSTICE was also carefully railroaded into a civil rights matter … not homicide, murder or unlawful execution. And those in authority (on purpose) noted that Allison was tragically lost … never referring to Kent State as murder or homicide or killing. bbc.in/1qwOdqe In 1979 Kent State litigation ended with a civil rights settlement. Here is the official settelment statement coming from the plaintiffs and my parents, much of the suggestions offered may have fixed these issues but to no avail or interest from the US government. bit.ly/1qd9tTO Growing up in the middle of the near ten year litigation over Allisons murder at Kent State University, I remember how we were hunted down by the US government … they came after us for at least a decade following. The officials responsilble for engineering our family horrors were powerful, in charge of every arm of the US government machine aimed at promoting the story they wanted to tell. Harassing those that made trouble for them … my family ever since they killed Allison, as they rigged the investigations and the courts to issue findings and a decision that required. Its called government collusion. 4) The BAD NEWS is that when a law enforcement officer or US military personnel kill you, there are no laws to indict those in authority … and forgettabout ever having an impartial, independent and credible investigation as the FBI and their cohorts are the ones in charge (especially with the PHONEY FBI spotless record nyti.ms/1d6H0HV). 5) Michael Browns family calls for a special prosecutor; I agree and support. Just make sure the special includes the opportunity for a credible, independent and impartial look into what really happened to #MichaelBrown. One things for sure, Michael Brown NEVER did anything to warrant his murder by US law enforcement. The individual that murdered Michael Brown must pay for it and be held accountable. This national event must be made right. Our accountability and justice system must be made right. Thats what these troubles are about … US government accountability and resistance to being accountable to any group but the government … Will we ever see accountablity in America? Until then … no justice. Still Standing for Peace & Justice, Laurel Krause
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 18:56:07 +0000

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