When are we Americans going to come first? We are spending all - TopicsExpress


When are we Americans going to come first? We are spending all this time discussing illegal immigration while Obama Care is steadily taking root into our society. This is the most liberty killing piece of legislation ever in the history of this country. These wicked sorry behind people we have representing us are just buying the time where we will have no recourse to Obama Care. All of you who think you are beating the system by having others pay for your insurance by way of so-called subsidies, your day will come when you will be sorry as hell there was a president Obama. When you have to pay an insurance bill every month for the rest of your natural life and have no say in the matter or you will pay a fine and a pretty hefty one at that. So whos going to pay for 92,010,000 Americans who dont have jobs and the 30,000,000 illegals who will deplete the system alone, the 142,000,000 who does? This truly is the generation that allowed liberty to be auctioned off by bastard politicians. The sad part about it is the fact that no one illegal will be imposed a fine because they remain in the shadows except when its time to visit the emergency room courtesy of the American people. What a scam, what a scam!!!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 02:06:54 +0000

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