When considering elections in the U.S. the tendency is for - TopicsExpress


When considering elections in the U.S. the tendency is for American voters to look at the issues placed in front of them rather than at history, political trajectory and who it is that chooses the issues? On their face Republicans, broadly considered, are more direct shills for the worst of the corporate-state— Wall Street, multi-national oil and gas companies, munitions manufacturers and replacement of any and all democratic tendencies with corporate interests. This written, Democrats have been the cleverer proponents of these same interests, the clean-up crew that poses state support as response to ‘natural’ catastrophes that are exactly and precisely the product of self-cannibalizing corporate-state capitalism. Political strategy within the mainstream, the choice between slower or faster decay, leaves out of its calculation the possibility of break and rupture that are the most likely ends. Wall Street, which counts ‘both’ political parties in the U.S. as wholly owned subsidiaries, has had three crises of increasing magnitude in as many decades. The oil mafia, the CIA-MI5-BP-Exxon Mobil-military oil and gas establishment, is launching wars at increasing cost with decreasing results except inasmuch as human and environmental catastrophes sustain it. And the ‘political’ establishment that sits metaphorically atop this morass retains public attention only through infinite iterations of manufactured cultural difference. In history the relation arose during the George W. Bush administration that his most fervent supporters tended to know the least about his actual policies. Mr. Bush effectively mixed Pentecostal identity politics with fear based nationalism and a willingness to say anything, no matter how distant from ‘the facts,’ to advance the corporate-state interests firmly in place since the mid-twentieth century. With a different mix of identity politics and a combination of wishful thinking and desperation on the part of their supporters President Barack Obama and national Democrats have institutionalized the very worst policies of the (George W) Bush administration and added a few of their own under the façade of necessity.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 09:17:19 +0000

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