When little children dont know their Daddy is near, they can get - TopicsExpress


When little children dont know their Daddy is near, they can get confused and scared, and they can act out in crazy ways. Yet parents who see this happening to their child do not shame or condemn the child, they do not reprove or punish the child, they do not even change or fix the child...they know there is nothing wrong with their child at all, the child just needs their loving attention, just needs to know their loving presence with them! Isnt it the same with our heavenly Dad? He knows that when humanity was not aware of His presence in them, that humanity became confused, scared and somewhat crazy in their behavior. But He didnt see us as bad, evil, wrong, messed up, needing punishment or remediation or to be taught a lesson. He knew there was nothing wrong with us at all, that we just needed to know He was there, loving us, and we were safe in His arms. Wow! Thats what the cross is! The cross of Jesus Christ isnt God saying we were bad and deserved punishing or that we were messed up and needed fixing..the cross is God hugging the world, saying, Daddys right here, Daddys got you, everything is okay! The cross is God loving the world, holding us close to His chest so we can hear His heart beating out the rhythmic message I love you, I love you, I love you, till we relax, calm down, and feel safe and secure again! The cross reassures us our Father is right here with us, loving us, never leaving us, holding us close to His heart forever, and that nothing could ever change that!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 11:54:07 +0000

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