When seeing is believing those who controls the programing we see - TopicsExpress


When seeing is believing those who controls the programing we see also controls what we believe. Because whites are controlling most , if not all, the information given to Black people this allows them to therefore control and form the perceptions of Black people. To put it more blatantly this allow the ruling white elites to perform psychological warfare against black people! Psychological warfare campaign are commonly practiced by the U.S to meets it governmental objectives. Within the U.S. doctrine of psychological warfare as taught within its Department of Defense, military war colleges, CIA and FBI academies it teaches that if you wish to suppress and control a targeted group or population you have to turn their collective attention away from their oppressors and instead towards themselves. Furthermore that in order to achieve this the targeted group must be made to believe that their problem is an internalized one. This turns there frustrations inward towards the collective self. Simply put; you turn the targeted group against themselves. This is precisely what the totally white controlled medias deplorable black depictions does to Black people. We Black people are the victims of an elaborate psychological warfare program designed to ensuring the continuance of white dominance and control. The white medias unrelenting negative black imageries are purposefully designed to demoralize, and engender disunity and distrust among our Black ranks. It also designed to instill the myth of white superiority and Black inferiority into the collective minds of Black people. The United States media’s distorted portrayal of Black America that amplifies the negative to the point that it distorts reality is more than just biased media reports. They function as a media manipulation psychological warfare programs. Through its totally white controlled national media outlets the U.S. Government is using fraudulent black racially devaluing propaganda to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective perceptions of its Black populations. This psychosocial program adversely manipulates and shapes the minds and collective perceptions of African Americans by subjecting them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves. Its racially devaluing black depictions are designed to instill the myth of white superiority (and Black inferiority) into the collective minds of Black people. Its unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche is designed to break down African Americans’ sense of racial unity and allegiance, mold the character of self-hatred, and engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and division among their group that weakens their ranks. It also conditions Black people to accept white dominance over their lives by convincing them that it is now they that are their own worst enemies. The basis of this concept of mind manipulation works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. Its weapon is the message that it carries and the way that it adversely affects the targeted recipient group. Here is a simplified example of how this is being implemented against Black people: Let us, for example, imagine that a crew of people was aboard their own massive ship and that this ship was being shadowed by another neighboring ship that was constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first group. Such messages as that their ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and was planning a mutiny. With time, the group receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves. The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves. The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own boat even if their own ship was in fact better. Within a real life setting this mortifying psychological manipulation is precisely what is being done to African Americans. The white media controllers spreads fraudulent disinformation designed to instill the myth of white superiority (and Black inferiority) into the collective minds if Black people. It is an insidious, yet very sophisticated method of control that conditions America’s Black population to accept White dominance over their lives by misleading them to believe that they are now themselves their own worst enemies The features of this psychological warfare includes also the ability to heightens mass insensitivity throughout the nation and world regarding the plight of African Americans therefore facilitating a consensual nationally setting for Black mistreatment. It fosters false justifications for America ’s legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans; wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and unfairly treated. The effects of this massive psychosocial program are also manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity. It also affects attitudes that, when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. This is the same psychological warfare technology used by the U.S. Government against foreign adversaries. It was decided to secretly use it to domestically defend the White race’s position of power and dominance against its Black population. This more covert and sophisticated method of deploying white racism provides the white ruling elites with a more socially acceptable and stealthier method of ensuring the continuance of the U.S. white dominance over its Black population. This psychological warfare program is the most proficient racist system ever deployed against Black people and yet most are totally oblivious of its existence. This psychological program is at the core of the feeling of self hatred that many African Americans now experience as well as the feelings of superiority that many whites possess. Learn more at theblackpeoplematrix
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 20:27:35 +0000

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