“When she tells you about her problems it does not means she is - TopicsExpress


“When she tells you about her problems it does not means she is complaining, It could simply mean that she trusts you.” When she is upset and comes to you with her problems, don’t put them off like they are nothing. She’s upset and she needs someone to talk to, If she came to you and confided in you then know that she trusts you enough to open up to you. Take the time to listen and be there for her instead of neglecting her and walking away from her. When she needs you the most be that ear that will listen, be that shoulder she can cry on and be the one that’s there to hold her when she needs a warm hug to feel better. All I’m trying to say is take the time to make sure she is feeling better so she doesnt go to sleep mad or upset because if she does she will just be tossing and turning in bed, just hurting inside. - Trung Phan. And well just return the favor. Whenever we saw you hurt, Well be there to cheer you on. Even if we do some stupid things just to see your smile. Just be more patient with me, please?. HappyHappyHappyInfiniteMonthsarry:* ILoveyoupoooo!Dwaaaaayyyt:*
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 21:56:38 +0000

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