When we look back at history, ours or that of other countries, we - TopicsExpress


When we look back at history, ours or that of other countries, we see things done, in the name of patriotism, religious fervour, anti religious fervour, nationalism, conquest, supposed need of a particular territory or resource, that we can see clearly as wrong. But in those times, the ?authorities and bodies who perpretrated these events believed that they were doing right. They convinced other supposedly ethical and moral people that they were supporting a just cause. But they were still wrong and history clearly shows it. We look on them unsympathetically. We ask why did those authorities or peoples act in that way? Why did they ruin the lives and countries of others? In the same way, might some courses of action that our era, our peoples, and countries, our continents and regions, or the world in general believe are the right way to go, be equally wrong? Regadless of however much authorities, leaders, international bodies, national bodies, policy advocates, lobbyists,think tanks, corporates, try to persuade us that these are right? Do we have the the courage, moral fortitude and moral conviction to speak out? If we dont, the future will look at us, with the same contempt we look at the peoples of the past who through their silence, allowed and advocated such tragedies.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 02:15:34 +0000

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