When your spirit is troubled you cannot rest and sickness begins - TopicsExpress


When your spirit is troubled you cannot rest and sickness begins in the blood.You need to detox for the spirit you must go into a quiet zone away from everyone,noise etc.You have been programmed through the senses of taste,touch,smell,sight,sound.All of the commotion has cluttered your spirit and poisoned your mind thought process and the foods has poisoned your blood which is the life force of the flesh body.Get to a quiet zone and meditate daily thinking on greatness.For the blood lemon water,organic vinegar water mix you want to get out of an acidic state of mind and body.If the beast died a traumatic death its blood when consumed will affect your emotions and health.You are what you eat and consume and environmental surroundings.Example if you listen to music that command you to do violence and its good to be dumb and stupid chances are you will be as instructed.Its your business to be what ever you desire but with every cause there is an effect and bad results never helped anyone.Always remember what ever you sow you will reap it whether it`s good or tragically.No one is exempt from the sow/reap laws.You poison your system and spirit don`t expect to be 100.The purpose of these threads are to make you more aware of who you are, your capabilities.You true wealth is in your health and people can get along better when they are heathy in spirit and body.So its not that people are prejudice,racist,haterful.It`s that they have a sick spirit that control them and influenced by those that have the alike spirits.People that smoke,drink,rob,kill,lie,cheat etc. are more comfortable around their own kind.When you who are pressured into doing things out of your character that means you are a misfit you do not belong in that group so you should depart and find your match you have nothing to prove you are not a chicken,duck etc. When you clear your spirit of the impurities then you become a magnet of all the greatness that awaits you.You are loved no matter what it`s up to you in your power to find out about you.At the end of the day you are the first and last that stand or fall within your own power......6`4
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 14:08:08 +0000

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