Whenever someone has an objection to what I write on this page, - TopicsExpress


Whenever someone has an objection to what I write on this page, its always the SAME canned, run of the mill boring stuff: Im brainwashing people. I hate women. I have a secret agenda to control your mind through the bible. Blah blah. God knows I wish it was in my power to brainwash folks! Id be one scrubbing dude! Because black folks by and large in America have become so dirty and polluted, itll take some serious old school Ajax scrubbing to get our minds sanitary again! When people accuse me of brainwashing folks, what theyre really asking me to do is stop using the BIBLE as my standard of judgment. Folks not living right HATE to be reminded of holy scripture. Theyll argue, fuss and get outright vile in their attempts to silence truth. All while calling themselves a Christian too. Which is really weird to me. How can you claim Jesus Christ is your lord when you constantly disrespect His word by living in rebellion against what He taught? Theres that narcissistic, entitlement syndrome people have again. It rears its ugly head particularly whenever women are asked to own up to their own personal failings and take accountability. Thinking every truth has to conform to your personal interpretation of it is extremely delusional...and dangerous. Folks like that live in a constant state of compromise and have no trouble making excuses for doing the most ratchet, sinful things. So theyll accuse those of you who agree with me of not having a mind of your own, and not being a free thinker...whatever that term means. What they really want to do is shake your faith in Gods holy book, so youll start living in compromise along with them. After all: misery loves company. Theyd rather you listened to Oprah as your spiritual authority, or queen Bey, or some other new age mumbo-jumbo guru. Because those people dont require any change in how you conduct yourself. Theyll just keep you on an endless chase for meaning and purpose down the rabbit hole of nothingness. As for being free thinkers: there is absolutely NO such thing. Name me ONE free thinker from history; and whoever you name, I can probably tell you who influenced how they thought. Free-thinking is both a myth and a fantasy. Whose mind is not influenced to some degree by their environment, culture and the people around them? None of our minds are free from outside influence. Not even mine. We are all the sum total of the thoughts and ideas of others, passed down, digested and regurgitated. So youre really not as free as you may like to think. What folks really mean by having a free mind is having a mind free from living in compliance with Gods holy Word and His divine law. Again: those are some dangerous people. Youre either allowing your mind to be influenced by truth that brings healing and wholeness; or by foolishness that leads to depression, negativity, loneliness, and ultimately self-destruction. I can tell you this much: if you allow the words of life written in the bible to influence your thinking, youll be a lot better off for it. But if you allow a bunch of God-hating Christ deniers to influence your mind, youll find yourself arguing against the common sense and simple knowledge on this page that I take time to spread daily. No, Mack Major isnt the final authority on anything. The Word of the Living God is. So stop making excuses for your love for sin. Id have more respect for folks if they just outright said: I love sin and dont plan on stopping no matter what you say! I can respect that because its HONEST. The rest of the excuse-makers just get looked at like the spiritual rejects you sound like when you start making excuses for your silly jacked up delusions. Hope you all have a wonderful, empowering Sunday. Be sure to get into the Word today. Real life can be found all throughout the Holy Bible. God bless.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 15:21:12 +0000

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