Where Are You Now? Friends I ask this question. Where are you - TopicsExpress


Where Are You Now? Friends I ask this question. Where are you now? You may not be where you anticipated to be? Your job may not be all that but at least you have a job, consider some of your classmates still applying, remember that one in particular that calls often and when she calls you ignore her call for fear she would ask you for money. Where are you now? I bet you are not where you were last year. The man may not have come yet but you are excelling in other areas, your career is receiving that boost, your spiritual life is getting better, you pray and you are learning to hear from God. Where are you now? I ask you again. Consider the people who do not know this God, have access to Him or an intimate relationship with Him. Imagine those ones the devil is playing on their minds, they have suicidal thoughts, they have given up on life, Friends until you hear someone elses story, do not think for once God has forgotten you. You are not where the devil has planned for you to be. You are an overcomer whether you want to admit it or not. You say wow I need so much money, if you had to calculate how much you have spent this year you would realise it is more than a million. Has He not been taking care of you? If He could send ravens to feed prophet Elijah and they did not eat the food on the way can you imagine how well He has preserved you. Did you not pay the rent this year, school fees, buy a car? Travel, Friends do not be ungrateful. Friends were you hospitalised? Do you have a terminal disease? Look at your closet, it is full of clothes, shoes and bags yet you say I need clothes . Remember the Boston bombings, people lost their legs, recall the various boko haram attacks, plane crash, road accidents, collapsed buildings. Have you ever imagined what it feels like to be that close to death? The last thing on your mind would be shoes, bags or jewellery ,closing business deals or cars? Do you know how many people have lost their lives this year, they did not even have the opportunity to take their toothbrush with them yet we acquire, borrow, owe just to keep up with the Joneses. Who are the Joneses anyway? Are they in Gods hall of fame? What have they done for the kingdom? Scripture says when we compare ourselves with ourselves, we are not wise. 2 Cor. 10:12 Today I admonish us all especially myself, Friends, feed your soul! Can you not see it? It is malnourished? Its gasping for breath about to die, from starvation. Feed your soul I say again. Water it daily with the word, speak life into it. Bring out of it the worship and praise our King deserves. A well fed soul can go through the trials of life and come out stronger ready for the next season. Those that know their God shall be strong and do exploits Daniel 11:32. We are in the battle of life, what have you armed yourself with? Are you battle ready? What scriptures do you know? O, the one you hear on Sunday. I do not know anyone who eats only on Sundays and can survive. Study friends, the key word is study, to show yourselves approved unto God a workman that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim 2:15. Friends, in the area of praise can you make a boast like Hezekiah, in the area of worship can you make a boast like David? Where is your area of strength? Worship is therapeutic you come out refreshed, energised and ready for battle! You have been to church every Sunday since January1st, where are you now spiritually? Are you still drinking milk? You need to be weaned and fast too. There is so much going on in the world you cannot survive on milk. God is daily revealing Himself to His own, He is revealing deep and secret things, His children are dreaming dreams and seeing visions, do you want to remain an onlooker? Should you not feed your soul today?
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 08:33:10 +0000

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