Where are our Malcolm Xs? Our Martin Luther Kings? Our Medgar - TopicsExpress


Where are our Malcolm Xs? Our Martin Luther Kings? Our Medgar Evers? Have the Nationals and Panthers deserted the cause? Are we as a people so brainwashed that we can no longer take an active stand? Is social media the only places we can speak out, only to be silenced when the next hip hop mogul makes the news? I havent lost hope in just humanity, Ive lost hope in all you BET watching, Minaj quoting, always ready to blame somebody else for your lack of class and education ass NIGGAS. NIGGAS. Thats what you are. You are no longer black Kings and Queens, A strong unified ppl that wouldnt stand for this American attempt at genocide. You are weak and weak minded. You are content with living in poverty and ignorance. You are ok with being looked at as the scum of the earth. But Im not. I will not settle for the bullshit White America is trying to force feed me. My sons and brothers will not die for their skin tone. My daughters and sisters will not be reduced to feeling like twerking is ok. Even if I stand alone, I will stand strong. Those of you who have not loss your sense of respect and Pride I ask that you stand with me. I ask that we all come together to fight. Share this status, get the word out that we will not be silent, create groups, stage marches, stand tall. We need to reclaim our place in this world. We were once royalty, and royal we shall be again.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 17:42:57 +0000

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