Where was the picture from the surveillance video of the 6’4”, - TopicsExpress


Where was the picture from the surveillance video of the 6’4”, 290 pound thuggish Brown grabbing the store clerk by the throat after stealing cigars? The DOJ has advised news outlets not to broadcast the video of Brown assaulting the store clerk and robbing the store, claiming that it might incite violence...Rather than exposing the true character of Brown, promoting the lie that a white police officer shot a studious innocent black youth who was simply minding his own business will not spark violence. Absurd. Kevin [Jackson] refused to allow the CNN host to get away with portraying Brown as a “choir boy”. However, the reporter during my interview attempted to cut me off at every turn. She had zero tolerance for any other narrative other than white cops across America are shooting young black males at will. The fact that Michael Brown knew he could walk into a convenience store, take whatever he wanted and assault the store clerk without consequence says that Ferguson thugs have no fear of the police. Pundits all over TV are scratching their heads about how to stop the violence and looting in Ferguson. The answer is simple. Arrest and lock up the bad guys. Unfortunately, political correctness does not allow common sense solutions. PC dictates that the police behave like impotent social workers, rather than protecting store owners from looters. PC caused police to back off, forcing store owners to arm themselves to protect their businesses from looters. Ferguson residents are being terrorized by thugs and looters, not by the police. tpnn/2014/08/23/the-leftist-media-and-leftist-racism-on-parade-in-ferguson/
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 15:08:29 +0000

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