While God has given us our work to do in bearing our testimony to - TopicsExpress


While God has given us our work to do in bearing our testimony to the people by pen and voice, others must come to bear burdens in connection with the cause. They should not become discouraged, but should endeavor to learn by every apparent failure how to make a success of the next effort. And if they connect with the Source of wisdom, they will surely succeed. God is putting burdens upon more inexperienced shoulders. He is fitting them to be care-taking, to venture, to run risks. All who have responsible positions must realize that they must first have power with God, in order that they may have power with the people. Those who devise and execute plans for our institutions must connect with heaven, if they would have wisdom, foresight, discernment, and keen perception. The Lord is left out of the question altogether too much, when everything depends upon His blessing. God listens to the appeals of His self-denying workers who labor to advance His cause. He has even condescended to talk with feeble mortals, face to face. Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, Page 245
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 18:00:41 +0000

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