Whirling pools of Energy Energy vortices are whirling pools of - TopicsExpress


Whirling pools of Energy Energy vortices are whirling pools of energy. The spinning vortex creates a pull upon the immediate environment and influences the flow of prana by altering its straight line path. (To learn more about the flow of prana see: “The Circulation of Prana”.) Vortexes are a common feature of the unseen world and are found in earth chakras, earth ducts and other apparatus in the ether around us. The energy vortices that I am talking about are not features of permanent structures in the unseen world, but form because of human interaction with Mother Earth and her Field. They are created and found in the plane of energy that fuels and powers the PHYSICAL plane, what I call the Pranic Plane, what Sri Aurobindo calls the Vital Plane and what Theosophists refer to as the Etheric Plane. The uplifting natural vortex has a clockwise SPIN (counter-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere) and baths you in Mother Earth’s life forces. The vortex taps into Mother Earth’s field and draws prana from its immediate area towards its center. This increased draw of prana from the spinning vortex is fed into its center. Anyone situated in a natural vortex is bathed with this increased draw, or dose of prana. Natural vortices are great places for healing, connecting with spirit and invigorating oneself. They are a very positive feature. Geographic Samskaras Energy vortices begin as thought forms. Each thought that we have creates a thought form that looks to manifest itself, attaches to the thinker and to where the thought occurred. I call the thoughts that attach to a place geographic samskara(s.) (Samskara is the Vedanta (Hindu) term to describe a thought that attaches to your subtle body, like a groove on a vinyl record, becoming a permanent record of your thoughts and actions. To learn more go to: Geographic Samskara(s). Vedanta calls our thoughts vritti(s), literally translated as whirlpool. It is this circular whirlpool motion of the thought that plants itself on us and at the location where it occurred. Each thought is like a seed that tries to have us think or do the same thing over and over again. If we keep thinking or doing the same thing at the same place over time the seed thought, or samskara gets stronger. All the time the seed thought is looking to plant more seeds and encouraging us to think or repeat the same behavior. As it gets stronger the swirl of the whirlpool gets stronger as well. Eventually the swirl becomes so strong that it becomes a vortex and begins pulling in prana from its immediate environment. Mother Earth Responds A natural vortex is a positive uplifting vortex that has a clockwise SPIN to it. I call them natural vortexes because they form naturally through the joint effort of humankind and Mother Earth. They are Mother Earth’s response to our overtures to heal, to give, to help or to aspire to the divine and spiritual though praying, meditating or ceremony. She is sending us the equivalent of a hug of increased energy. The idea that Mother Earth responds to our intentions and actions has been observed by geomancers and dowsers. Sig Lonegren, geomancer and author of Spiritual Dowsing writes. “There have been other dowsers who have also noticed the apparent ability of new labyrinths that were used regularly, to draw water to them - John Wayne Blassingame and Marty Cain, both good dowsers in the US - to mention two. Here at Benton, was the first time I had seen that energy leys were also drawn to the newly constructed space.” “The Gathering Earth Energies: An Interim Report”; Lonegren, Sig; Mid-Atlantic Geomancy; Conversely, the counterclockwise spin of negative energy vortices drain you of energy. They form where bad things such as violence, hate, thievery or negative thinking have occurred. They begin as a negative seed thought (negative geographic samskara) that seeks to encourage negative behavior and thinking. As they develop they begin to disrupt and eventually block the flow of prana creating dead spots in Mother Earth’s Field. Over time, fed by negativity (thinking and actions) they become negative energy vortices that drain and rob you of vitality. Negative energy vortices are one of the biggest components of geopathic stress creating innumerable diseases from migraines to sleep disorders and worse with the long term exposure. While a vortex of a certain type of prana will draw that same type of prana, it will usually not impact the flow of other pranas. For example, a natural vortex of earth prana will not affect the flow of cosmic prana and a natural vortex of cosmic prana will not affect the flow of earth prana. This is generally not the case for mini tornadoes, or negative energy vortices.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 06:06:29 +0000

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