Who Can Change Our World? “The world’s people want - TopicsExpress


Who Can Change Our World? “The world’s people want answers from their leaders. They expect solutions, not half-measures or excuses.”—UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY-GENERAL BAN KI-MOON. WE LIVE in what the Bible calls “critical times hard to deal with.” (2 Timothy 3:1) The news is glutted with ominous reports of war, terrorism, economic strife, and impending environmental ruin. Is there any hope that things will improve? Can man’s governments deal with world problems? Or do we need to look elsewhere for help? What Many Nations Claim Many nations claim to have God’s support. For example, in its Pledge of Allegiance, the United States of America asserts that it is “one nation under God,” and the coins and paper money in that country bear the words “In God We Trust.” Of course, many who live in the United States do not even believe that God exists —and the same is true in other lands that claim to have God’s backing. Even people who do believe in God have differing views regarding the extent to which he intervenes in human affairs. ● Some say that God is completely detached and that man is left to rule himself. ● Others say that God works through human governments and that he can bless their efforts to change our world. Which, if either, expresses what you believe? Consider: If the first statement were true, we would be in a dire predicament. If the second statement were true, then we would have to ask ourselves: ‘Does God favor one nation over another? If two nations go to war and both fervently pray for victory, whose side does God take?’ Is it possible that he takes neither side? What the Bible Teaches 1. Man was not made to rule himself. The Bible says: “It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.” ( Jeremiah 10:23) History verifies the truthfulness of that statement. Government by man has not brought a better world, even when rulers have had high ideals and the best of intentions. Instead, “man has dominated man to his injury.”— Ecclesiastes 8:9. 2. God cares about our plight. He is neither oblivious to nor unfeeling about what we experience. Furthermore, he will take action to help us. How? By means of his Kingdom, which “will never be brought to ruin.”— Daniel 2:44. 3. God’s Kingdom is a real government. It is the same Kingdom that millions of sincere people pray for in the often-recited Our Father, or Lord’s Prayer. In that prayer, people implore God: “Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.” ( Matthew 6:10) Note that God’s Kingdom affects more than heaven; it also makes it possible for God’s will to be accomplished on earth. 4. By means of his Kingdom, God can— and will—change our world. If you doubt that, consider what the Bible teaches. ● God gave the human race a perfect start in peaceful surroundings.—Genesis 1:27-31. ● Despite the problems we see, God has not abandoned his purpose for our earth. — Psalm 37:11, 29. ● God has already taken steps to make it possible for our earth—and the human race—to be restored to the condition he originally purposed.— John 3:16. Would you like to learn more about God’s Kingdom and how it will change our world? Jehovah’s Witnesses, the publishers of this magazine, would be happy to help you. Why not discuss with them the following topics the next time they call at your home? ● What is God’s Kingdom? ● What changes will it bring? ● When and how will God’s Kingdom bring those changes? HAVE YOU WONDERED? ● Why are human governments limited in what they can accomplish?—Jeremiah 10:23. ● How has God demonstrated that he cares about us?—John 3:16. ● What will God’s Kingdom make possible for our earth and those who inhabit it? — Psalm 37:11, 29.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 08:44:58 +0000

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