Who decide who is terrorist the wicked nation of Israel By: Maged - TopicsExpress


Who decide who is terrorist the wicked nation of Israel By: Maged Taman Any resistance against Israel is terrorism. All what Israel did over decades is not terrorism stealing the land of Palastinians and killing their women and children is not terrorism. When Israel through the wicked Jews in the congress was arming both Iran and Iraq in the time of Saddam to kill each other is not terrorism. When the oppressors leaders in the Muslims world were hired and maintained by Israel through the Jews controlled America was not considered terrorims. They new very well that Islamists were tortured in time of Mubarak and others and they welcomed that. One big problem to Israel and the Jews the world is not under their mercy and God will intervene for his true religion Islam. All our revolutions are being hijacked by Israel. Time for the Muslims brothers to spell out the real enemies to Islam Israel, America and their allies. The tyranny of the Jews will not go forever. Read in the old testament the time of Jacob trouble which prophecied in the end of time the Jews will get very high and for their sins God will bring them down to their graves. I tried in America to change them through my blog and through letters I sent to big news papers but they are very arrogent. We will see how God will punish them.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 23:44:46 +0000

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