Who is a militant? A militant is an individual who is aggressive - TopicsExpress


Who is a militant? A militant is an individual who is aggressive or violent or intensely active usually for a cause in which they believe in. the word militant is derived from the 15th century Latin term “militare” that translates in to “to serve as a soldier” and hence gives the idea of a defensive group who are at odds with an invading group that threaten their independence or their well being. However, the modern definition of the term militant implies an individual who utilizes vigorous and extreme means of achieving an objective that is usually political. However, they may not use physical violence or combat to attain their means. Who is a terrorist? A terrorist is an individual who utilizes terror as a means of coercion, using violence as a means of attaining a religious, political or an ideological goal. Terrorists deliberately target civilians or disregard their safety when in battle and usually employ acts of unlawful violence and war in order to reach their targets. While there are no definite definitions for the word terrorism, a terrorist is usually responsible for the destruction of property, heavy bloodshed, crimes against humanity and etc. Some of the terrorist groups that have been plaguing the world more recently can be named as the Al-Qaeda,LeT and the LTTE who have been responsible for significant bloodshed around the globe.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:20:28 +0000

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