Who’s Red Line Is It Anyway? The answer to that question and - TopicsExpress


Who’s Red Line Is It Anyway? The answer to that question and why Americans elected a black president can both be answered using one word; Israel! For Israel President Obama is a black sheep performing his final task with Syria as he’s being led to slaughter. What Israel wants Israel gets but Obama’s meat is tangy and only evil will accept it! As I watch the president’s final task about to be played out; I can’t help but to look back at the many times the republican’s choir sang aloud how Obama didn’t have Israel’s back. God if only the world could see what I see; if only the world could carried the vision I’m carrying; if only the world could envision it’s possible end if Syria falls! What Israel wants Israel gets and at this point there’s absolutely nothing on earth that can stop them. Allow me to tell you a story! I’m a black man and as a teenager a white kid told me a joke. A man had once asked GOD “would the world ever end”? “Yes the world will end sir but not during your lifetime”, God replied. The point is that this man was full of questions he was asking God and God was full of answers for him. But the man suddenly asked a question God hadn’t expected. “Will America ever have a Black President)”? God simply said “maybe”; “but not during my lifetime”; meaning his own life! Today; we have Barack Obama as President of the United States Of America thanks to Israel! It shows the power of money; it shows that when Israel steps in the white man has no American power or pride, and it points out the ability of a cunning human tongue. What Israel wants Israel gets and with that being said now add that Israel now wants control of the entire middle east! It will get it if a nuke doesn’t destroy it! Most of the world is saying NO to a strike on Syria! The American people are saying NO to a strike on Syria! Britain pulled out because it knows Israel’s hands were all over the planting of the Sarin Gas in Syria in order to squarely blame Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. It was Israel that elected Barack Obama and the reason behind his election is now at hand. Each and every time the republicans sang out that Obama wasn’t behind Israel I noticed Israel would stay silent; reviewing old news tapes will show this. That repeated republican statement along with the silence coming from Israel was what first alerted me that something was happening unseen. As my daddy would say it; there was more happening than meets the eye! What seemed to the republicans Obama wasn’t doing; Obama was actually doing too much of and now he’s being led to slaughter! First Israel ran three practice bombing raids into Syria drawing the red line while at the same time seeing if Syria would response. Syria didn’t leaving Israel comfortable enough to feel the timing is right and they’ve called on their black sheep to pay up! Obama is now willing to override a congressional veto of a strike on Syria because he’s trapped and he has no other choice but to override the veto; there’s no other way out. The big U.S. bombers are being sent in just in case a nuke is needed and if that happen the world is in an immediate energy shortage. Satan is here people and it’s been here since the beginning of time. The devil isn’t and individual thing as the world has been led to await and that’s why I used the term (it)! (EVIL IS AN ENTITY) and while mankind has been awaiting a visit to heaven or to hell to see one of a kind; this (EVIL ENTITY) has been building its empire all around mankind right here on earth!
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 00:47:55 +0000

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