Why Americans are afraid of Muslims on their flight Posted on - TopicsExpress


Why Americans are afraid of Muslims on their flight Posted on August 7, 2014 So why so many Americans fear to travel with Muslims on their flight? Well, a good response is given by Max Fisher (Jewish), at Vox website on August 6, 2014. “Americans who complain about Muslim passengers on their flight aren’t just being intolerant – they’re factually incorrect about who, statistically speaking, is more likely to be a danger to them,” says Fisher. “The number of Americans who have been killed by Islamic extremists in the United States since September 2001 is just 21 – less than two per year – and none of them on airplanes. Statistically speaking, you’re several times more likely to be fatally attacked on an American schoolyard: in just the year and a half since the December 2012 Sandy Hook attack, 28 people have been killed in US school shootings. And meanwhile, right-wing extremists — virtually all of them white – have killed 37 people since 2001,” Fisher added. As expected, what Max Fisher was afraid to mention is that Americans fear of fellow American Muslims and Middle Eastern people is based on the daily anti-Muslim propaganda doses by the fueled by pro-Israel media and organizations including Jewish lobby’s large financial contributions to American lawmakers. Not long ago, Israel-born writer and author, Gilad Atzmon, said that Israelis realized long time ago, “it’s cheaper to buy entire American political system than buying a good military tank” Max Fisher (Jewish) is former columnist at the Washington Post. Since he began criticizing Israeli policies – the Jewish Lobby has declared him “anti-Semite” and “Israel hater”. This week, Steve Berman of Jewish Heritage Foundation wrote at the Redstate website: “The dynamic dumbasses Zack Beauchamp and Max Fisher have published more lies per column-inch than anyone since Goebbels and Fritsche. They’re propagandists and hate Israel.” In February 2014, Brad Plumer, Sarah Kliff and Max Fisher left Washington Post and joined Ezra Klein’s new Vox Media-backed venture. I guess Fisher’s testimony means that even some Zionist Jews too believe that Muslims are not America’s enemies, but they’re Israel’s enemies – which Sen. John McCain says mean the same. Michelle Nunn, a Democrat candidate for US Senate from Georgia has been offered $250,000 toward her campaign by the Jewish Lobby on the condition she support Israel against Hamas. The FBI records show that during 2002-2005, that Jewish extremists carried more terrorist activities (7%) than Muslim extremists (6%) during the same period of time. And none of those Muslim terrorist activities were carried out on board a flight. In fact, Americans have killed more Muslims while on board a flight than Muslims have done with the exception of 9/11 – a US-Israel false flag operation for which Muslims were blamed for the benefit of the Zionist entity. In 1988, America blasted Iranian flight 655 in air killing 290 passengers on board including 66 children. This year, so far, Washington has destroyed two passenger planes, Malaysian Flight 370 & 17, killing more than 670 people. Source: Rehmats World
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 23:22:50 +0000

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