Why Eating Fruits Is So Good For Martial Arts!! Why Fruits are - TopicsExpress


Why Eating Fruits Is So Good For Martial Arts!! Why Fruits are Healthy Fruits are healthy, but over the past few years I have seen a certain misplaced stigma loom over the consumption of fruit. It was subtle at first where articles would suggest forgoing fruit as a snack before bed. Over time the subtly turned direct as more and more articles began to suggest limiting the amount of fruit you ate per day. Then the day came where it was being suggested that fruits should not be consumed at all. The culprit to this seeming conspiracy against fruit is sugar. Let’s break it down Before I continue any further let’s break down the iffy subject revolved around sugar. When I say the word “sugar” it’s likely the first images that enter your mind are; white sugar, cookies, soda, chocolate bars, candy, ice cream, and so forth. To be frank, yes that stuff is bad for you and your health. Not only is it bad for you; it’s not even food or even derived from food sources. So how did fruits suddenly get tossed into the same boat as soda and candy bars? I don’t have that answer and frankly I don’t care. I think we can all agree that it is a bit silly to believe that an apple is just as bad for you as a snickers bar. Fruits are Healthy, Yes! Benefits of Eating Fruit What about white sugar? I remember as a child I had the awesome chance to eat a stock of cane sugar. I was young maybe 10 years old and I sat with that cane stock for the entire day enjoying the sweet taste of the treat. It literally took me the entire day to go through it. Sugar Cane is where the ingredient sugar is derived from. (Not fruits, Sugar Cane) If you have ever seen the pure sugar that is extracted from Sugar Cane it comes in visible cubes and has a tan or brown tint to it. So what’s the white stuff you ask? See realistically, pure cane sugar isn’t very sweet; it also does not dissolve quickly which can make it a little more difficult to bake or cook with. White sugar takes care of these problems. The pure cane sugar is processed down into fine easy dissolve, high concentrated granules, and bleached. That is why white sugar and all ingredients or products derived from it are so sweet. The process completely changes the sugar into something that body has great difficulty processing and thus all the negative side effects from consuming sugar. Fruits are not sugar It was easy to put the blame on fruit; seeing as many people didn’t consume them to begin with. Fruits however are one of the best foods you can eat along with vegetables. Fruits are an amazing source of energy which; unlike processed sugar and sugar products, is easily digested by the body. On top of it being a great source of clean energy; fruits are also rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals which give them anti-cancer and anti-aging affects. That’s right eating fruits keeps your body in tip top shape and running like a fine tuned vehicle. What makes fruit such a clean source of energy and nutrients is that they are comprised of living cells; which means you are consuming them at their purest form without decay and without being overly processed. How to enjoy your fruits I have always enjoyed fruits as snacks. (Click here to read more about healthy snacking) Fruits are one of the easiest snacks; you just pick them up and go. They offer you a great boost in energy and keep your metabolism high. Fruits are also great things to eat before training and exercise; but as with any food don’t eat too much fruit before training or exercise or you may feel nauseated. Personally I always eat a banana or two before I begin training in the mornings. They offer me quick carbs to keep me fueled and potassium to make sure that my muscles are reactive and responsive. Fruits also make great side dishes and are a great addition to your breakfast, lunch or dinner. Fruits are also make great desserts; they taste great and are very healthy for you. Fruits with plain Greek style yogurt are one of my favorite ways to enjoy a healthy dessert. In a nut shell Fruits are not unhealthy foods and they should not be avoided or placed in the same category as a donut or a Slurpee. Fruits are a great and essential addition to you healthy diet and exercise routine. Fruits are easy to fit in any time of the day and make one of the best snacks you can get your hands on. Fruits are also fresh and real foods and you always want to make sure you’re putting in the best fuel for your body. I personally eat a large amount of fruit when they are available. Training requires high demands from my body so I need to make sure that it has the best fuel to ensure that I am healthy, responsive, focused, strong, and full of energy. It is not unusual for me to eat 10 or more servings of fruit each day along with other food; but that is for performance, for the everyday person you’ll be fine with much less.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 08:48:01 +0000

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