Why, Im shocked -- SHOCKED -- to discover that an up-and-coming - TopicsExpress


Why, Im shocked -- SHOCKED -- to discover that an up-and-coming Republican leader in the House of Representatives, favorite of Ginni Thomas and her gang, and all around teabagger has been revealed as a guy who was once the honored guest of white supremacists and devotees of David Duke. On the weekend of May 17th-18th, 2002, Steve Scalise was a 36-year-old Louisiana State Representative. Six years later, he’d become a United States Congressman. Six years after that, after only three terms, Steve Scalise would become the House Majority Whip, arguably the third most powerful and influential member of the United States House of Representatives. But on that weekend in May, Scalise was reportedly armed with a microphone at the Landmark Best Western in Metairie and talking about tax policy to an international convention… of white supremacists and neo-Nazis. According to a commenter who used the name “Alsace Hebert,” Steve Scalise was a highlight of the convention. Quoting: EURO’s recent national convention held in the greater New Orleans area was a convergence of ideas represented by Americans from diverse geographical regions like California, Texas, New Jersey and the Carolina’s. This indicates that concerns held are pervasive in every sovereign state and Republic alike, within an increasingly diminishing view of where America stands on individual liberty for whites.In addition to plans to implement tactical strategies that were discussed,the meeting was productive locally as State Representative, Steve Scalise, discussed ways to oversee gross mismanagement of tax revenue or “slush funds” that have little or no accountability.Representative Scalise brought into sharp focus the dire circumstances pervasive in many important, under-funded needs of the community at the expense of graft within the Housing and Urban Development Fund, an apparent give-away to a selective group based on race. Mr. Hebert was so impressed by Representative Scalise’s apparent characterization of the Housing and Urban Development Fund as nothing more than a scam designed to give-away public monies to “a selective group based on race,” that, two years later, with David Duke behind bars, Hebert took to the pages of Stormfront to float another candidate’s name for Congress. Quoting (bold mine): ↓ Story continues below ↓ It was just announced that Rep. Steve Scalise, R-Jefferson will enter the race in the 1st Congressional District. Those that attended the EURO conference in New Orleans will recall that Scalise was a speaker, offering his support for issues that are of concern to us. I suppose if Duke does not make the election for whatever reason, this gentleman would be a good alternative. Robert Costa at the Washington Post has received confirmation that Scalise was in fact a featured speaker at the conference, but that he had absolutely no idea of their ideology. David Duke isnt your ordinary run-of-the-mill white supremacist. Hes a convicted felon, KKK Grand Wizard, and more. Hes been in the news for years, stretching much farther back than 2002. Scalise knew exactly what group he was speaking to when he took that gig. Even Erick Erickson doesnt buy that claptrap. Somehow I landed on Dukes mailing list in 2008, shortly after Obamas election. He routinely emails supporters a serious dose of anti-Semitic and racial hate along with a request for donations that reads like it was written by the fundraisers at Liberty University. I rarely write about the filth he spews in those emails because theyre just fundraisers wrapped in a veneer of hate. Duke was expelled from Italy in 2013 for trying to organize neo-Nazi groups across Europe. He keeps making noise about running for President here in the US, but hasnt quite gotten up the nerve to do it. Bottom line: This wasnt any accidental booking with people Scalise didnt know to be white supremacists. He knew exactly who and what they were, and fed them exactly what they expected. All i the name of his conveniently pale Lord and Saviour Jesus Borgia. This guy is the House Majority Whip. He was (and likely still is) the Congressional go-to for Ginni Thomas Groundswell group. Republicans have installed white supremacist sympathizers, at the very least, in the highest levels of their leadership. KKKeep it KKKlassy, GOP.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 23:59:11 +0000

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