Why do seemingly educated, erudite, opinionated and effusive - TopicsExpress


Why do seemingly educated, erudite, opinionated and effusive people keep touting a highly autocratic, communal, divisive and tainted Narendra Modi as some kind of messiah and the panacea to all the problems plaguing this glorious nation at the present moment, are they oblivious of his less than sterling record on issues pertaining to human rights and the like, or then do they simply prefer looking the other way just because it suits their narrow and self obsessed interest......... Development what development, Gujarat was always a developed state and was doing quiet well for itself much before Narendra Modi appeared on the horizon, as for his track record, lets look at it dispassionately; he has certainly succeeded in doing irrepairable harm to the secular fabric of Gujarat in particular and the country in general polarising the electorate and causing deep rooted fissures amongst people who peacefully coexisted for donkeys years....... As for his gargantuan, self glorifying and self congratulatory/laudatory boasts, the less said the better: Gujarat has one of the highest infant mortality as well as primary school drop out rates in respect of both its women as well as its fledgling girls......... More than 80% of all the investment promises and commitments made during the course of the vibrant Gujarat summits or conclaves remain on paper; if anything the foreign investment rates have dwindled under Modis regime in comparison to his predecessors and Gujarat also boasts of one of the highest rates of per capita indebtedness in the country........ While there is no doubting Modis noble intentions in this regard and the indisputable fact that he has improved the irrigation and canal network in his state beyond recognition; the provision of the same has not really led to a commensurate increase in productivity and multiple cropping and to compound the farmers misery, easy and convenient availability of farmer loans and other financial incentives still continue to remain an elusive mirage........ As for the so called clean chit given to him by the judiciary, the less said the better, the ground reality is that Modi has only been cleared of the charges levelled by him against the widow of slain Congress leader Ehsaan Jaffri and other such notables by a district/ sessions court and his legions of opponents have gone up in appeal against the very same in a higher court of law........ To top it all and compound his misery, Modi still continues to remain an object of mistrust, fear and savagery as far as the minority community in the state is concerned, only 23% of all Muslims residing in the state of Gujarat voted in his favour during the course of the last state elections held in 2012 and if that is enough to warm the cockles of his heart and lead him to proclaim himself as the champion of secularism; I am afraid to say all of us know the person living in a fools paradise.......... He also seems to lack a rudimentary and elementary knowledge of the glorious history, geography and topography of our motherland; the list of gaffes made by the Bharatiya Janata Partys prime ministerial candidate is legendary and he and only he can provide a satisfactory answer to the eternal question about a person seemingly oblivious to the glorious history of his motherland making an optimum and deeply respected prime minister...... His well wishers, acolytes and sycophants also seem to be conveniently side stepping the crucial fact that he continues to be persona non grata as far as the only existing super power The United States of America is concerned, the European Union might well have embraced him and chosen to cohabit with him for reasons best known to them, but the Americans as well as the gulf countries still continue to shun him like a pariah dog....... I can go on forever, but let me make it clear once and for all that I do not harbour any grudge or resentment against the Bharatiya Janata Party per se, I am only vehemently opposed to its prime ministerial candidate who is adversarial, dictatorial, highly autocratic and whimsical in his style of functioning........ Corruption is a non existent issue as far as Narendra Modi is concerned; he continues to persist with a tainted minister going by the name of Babulal Bokhadia who has been sentenced to three years imprisonment by a sessions court for his dubious role in a mining scam and also played a pivotal role in welcoming the equally corrupt and immoral Yeddyurappa back into the BJP fold....... Alienation is the bye product of his anointment as the partys prime minsiterial candidate, long standing ally Nitish Kumar backed out of his alliance with the BJP as soon as Modi was projected as the partys prime ministerial candidate; Jayalaitha, Naveen Patnaik, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Mayawati, Mamata Banerjee and other such notables simply refuse to do business with him thereby leaving the Akalis and Shiv Sainiks as his only allies and partners........ Therefore, dear citizen and fellow elector; I leave it to your considerable wisdom, gumption, acumen and political far sightedness to answer the question about Narendra Modi being the only hope for the future certainly, decisively, resolutely and unequivocally.........
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 04:38:57 +0000

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