Why is africa and many third world countries so dirty and - TopicsExpress


Why is africa and many third world countries so dirty and underdeveloped? Why do people through rubbish/litter/refuse in the road, I have seen people through their rubbish from their homes in the bush across the road from where they live, surely thats got to be an eye-sore for when you coming home, or looking out over your yard. Papers thrown anywhere, women and men in the market selling their goods, and mealie cobs, husks, papers, chicken and fish bones, just dumped right there where they are cooking and serving people. Lets not even go into the toilet story, people use the storm water drains as toilets, and as a waste dumping ground, then cry foul when the rainy season comes, the drains get blocked, water rises up in the drains and just spills out onto the streets, an awful thing to see, papers, bottles, condoms, so disgusting, and many of these people will tell you that they are Christians, they believe in God, yet there are many scripts in the Bible that refer to cleanliness - Although there is not a quote in the Bible that states cleanliness is next to godliness, the Bible is very expressive in several scriptures that He want his people to be clean. He is more concerned about our inward man being clean then the outward. But heres the thing, when your inward man is clean then it produces outward cleanliness. It becomes irritating to live in a filthy state when you have become cleansed on the inside. There is a scripture in Matthew 23:26 that says, Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Jesus was saying what point is it for the cup and platter to be cleaned on the outside while the inside remains dirty. So He said to clean the inside so that the outside may be clean as well. This is proof that He would like for us to be clean internally as well as externally, which means that cleanliness is next to Godliness. Majority of those people are not even clean themselves, and I learnt that cleanliness starts from home. Botswana Government put a law against littering, faolex.fao.org/docs/pdf/bot91838.pdf and they enforced it, I have visited Botswana several times, and have never seen rubbish dumped on the roads, the streets, or the storm water drains and I have actually seen people from Zambia go into Kazungula and keep their rubbish with them for fear of paying the Pula 500.00 spot fine. The minute they are on the ferry back to Zambia, they actually dump all that rubbish in the Zambezi River and on the land at the Jetty. Really? I call and ask them to come and pick up their litter, I make noise and fuss about it, some come back and collect, others look at me like I am an idiot. The Rains are heavy here in Kitwe, gravel roads wash away and become so bad to drive over, the Storm Water Drains are so blocked dirty, the water and all the debris runs into the roads, kids are playing in that water, I have seen people, bathing in that water, I have seen clothes being washed in that water, and no one seems to care, that water borne diseases are all around. The vegetables and fruits sold in the market are washed in that water. Come one people, this is your world, it is your childrens legacy, they have to live here long after we have died, what are we leaving behind for our children, our grand children, our great grand children. I think more countries in Africa should learn from Botswana. Your dump it, you pay for it!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 07:52:45 +0000

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