Why is it left to us teachers to fight for the right of every - TopicsExpress


Why is it left to us teachers to fight for the right of every child and youth in BC to have access to an adequately funded, properly supported public education? I was a parent before I became a teacher, and while I supported and empathized with the teachers during their labour disputes and struggles with the BC Liberals from 2002 to 2011 (when I entered the teaching profession), I didnt actively advocate for them because I saw it as their fight, not mine. Now that I am a teacher, I see first hand how critical the issues of class size and composition really are; as a parent, Im ashamed that I didnt start advocating for my children and their teachers sooner. The reality is that our public education system is seriously underfunded and we, BCs public school teachers, really need parents - and, in fact, all citizens of BC - to take a stand with us and let the BC Liberals know that our kids are a worthwhile investment. The best investment there is, actually. Especially now, in the 21st Century, when its becoming more and more clear that our relationships with one another and with nature are far more important than being rich. Not to say that money doesnt serve a purpose. It most certainly does! It cant buy happiness, but what it can do is help fund an inspired, high quality public education system that will strive towards developing creative, compassionate citizens who are able to think critically and take the risks necessary to ensure we have a strong economy built on environmentally sustainable practices so that we can guarantee a secure tomorrow where every British Columbian has his or her basic needs met and rights upheld. Its time for all of us to advocate for an adequately funded, properly supported public education for every child and youth in our province. Theres so much at stake! The BC Liberals need to know that public education is something we ALL value and that its worth the investment of taxpayers dollars!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 07:20:24 +0000

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