Will our media ever get over this race discrimination deal? CIVIL - TopicsExpress


Will our media ever get over this race discrimination deal? CIVIL RIGHTS LAWS WERE PASSED YEARS AGO. There will ALWAYS be discrimination by people who are determined to discriminate. There will always be discrimination against “white trash,” people who decide to be very minimalistic, and may even result to crime to get what they want. There will always be discrimination against “Hispanic free-loaders” people who decide to be very minimalistic and may even result to crime to get what they want. There will always be discrimination against “Asian gangs” people who decide to result to crime to get what they want. There will always be discrimination against “Muslim extremists” (their leaders may not be minimalistic) who will result to crime to portray their beliefs. There will always be discrimination against “black thugs” people who decide to result to crime to get what they want. All these “characters” that I’ve listed have CHOSEN to live the life they do. They are the ones who have created the stereotype right? If it weren’t for their actions there would be no stereotype. I’m not saying we should just brush education against discrimination under the rug, but it thrives at all angles. Why is the media specifically obsessed with discrimination against one race when there is discrimination against EVERY race? There are melting pots all across the world now, and it seems to me that America is the only one with these discrimination problems. I don’t know how to fix it, I’m just tired of people expecting something, or feel that they are entitled to something, just because their race has been discriminated against. ALL races are discriminated against every day because of true behavior of the individuals I listed above. Some people will read this and think I’m racist, but I hope, you understand that by accepting people for who they are when they have chosen the negative paths they have chosen, is not racist, it’s the truth. Every race has individuals have chosen negative paths, and those that have chosen positive paths. I’m proud to admit that I have friends, acquaintances’, and people I consider family, of every race that do not choose a negative lifestyle and I love them all equally, without discrimination. The biggest discrimination towards blacks has been slavery. Slavery is a terrible concept, and thank God the world has progressed to a point where some may say it is close to being abolished around the world. But I want to bring up the fact that slavery was around before America. EVERY CIVILIZATION (race) AT ONE POINT IN HISTORY HAVE BEEN SLAVES. I’m sorry for the black families who have ancestors that were American slaves and I discriminate against the white power hungry money-grubbing landowners that made it happen. But it happened. I’m sorry for the white Jewish people who have ancestors that were slaves to Egypt, and I discriminate against their owners. I’m sorry for the Hispanic families who’s ancestors were enslaved by their own people prior to the Spanish enslaving them, and I discriminate against the their owners. I’m sorry for the families of Rwandan decent who were persecuted, and murdered by people of their own race, and I discriminate against the people who committed these acts. If you take pride in your ancestry and wish to educate your family, and claim ancestry to that continent that’s great. But fact of the matter is EVERY individual that lives in this United States of America, has ancestors that were not from this continent. Even Native Americans apparently came from Asia or Southern Hispanic decent. I’m proud to be American, not English-German American and I’m proud of the black community that does stand up to represent that they are not African American, but American. I know there will be some (maybe a lot) that disagree with my opinion. But I just like to point out the equality in EVERYONE. Unless you were born in a foreign county, YOU ARE AMERICAN. Every single race has been persecuted through history; every single race has come from a different continent. Every single race has stereotypes of the negative individuals of that race. When will the media point that out and stop pointing fingers at one another, and except the progression our country has made with the civil rights movement. I’m a firm believer that there has been progression for the lack of racism in this country since slavery. It’s extremely easy to take one case and identify the negativity and blow it up. I’ll jump for joy when the media starts to portray the positivity that is in our country, and start reporting the good deeds that are done rather than the negative. We must always question, or there will never be room for progression, but when we question too much, it will amount to retrogression.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 15:15:26 +0000

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