William Irwin Thompson THINKING OTHERWISE “We Irish think - TopicsExpress


William Irwin Thompson THINKING OTHERWISE “We Irish think otherwise.” Bishop Berkeley Taking the Long View of La Longue Durée Since the works of Philip K. Dick in the Cold War era of the nineteen-forties and fifties, science fiction has been, not escapist fiction, but political satire and outright prophecy in the tradition of Jules Verne. I am old enough to remember Charles Van Doren and the Quiz show scandals of 1957, so Dick’s 1955 novel Solar Lottery in which he created a hybrid cross of quiz shows and assassinations now reads like a prophecy of the USA to come in 1957 and 1963. In the great tradition of Jonathan’s Swift’s “A Modest Proposal,” Dick used caricatures and the absurd to draw political cartoons of the real. James Cameron’s 2009 film Avatar is another example of science fiction as political fact. President Obama is not the African-American liberal we thought we were electing to rid ourselves of Bush; he is the avatar of Cheney and is worse than Bush because he seems to be one of us, but decidedly is not. He is one of the most effective agents of continuity for the military-industrial-entertainment industry and the fossil fuel industry they have ever had. He is much more effective than Senator John McCain ever would have been, so the Directorate has learned from its mistakes with the open stupidity of Bush and the outright snarling ugliness of Cheney, or the bland dunderheadedness of Canada’s Harper, not to put one of their own kind in office. As the fracking continues and pipelines enchain the continent, expect to see pleasing corporate liberals like Obama or Hillary performing for the audience/electorate. And also expect to see more efforts to use false flag black opps and agents provocateurs to stir up public outrage against Syria, Iran, and Pakistan. World War Two successfully restructured the world economy and gave us the dollar-based Breton Woods system. So it would appear that now the members of the board of the Directorate are considering a World War Three in the Middle East and Central Asia as a way of restructuring the world economy for a new system that is not based upon the American dollar. The new board of directors is not simply made up of American, English, and French members, but Chinese, Israeli, Saudi and Emirate oil sheiks, so the Sunni and Israeli desire to check Shia Iran and the Chinese desire to contain the USA make strange bedfellows. India now becomes the hinge that swings back and forth between the East and the West. But India’s desire to restrain Pakistan and the radical Islamist agenda to accelerate the Decline of the West and at the same time contain China, will incline it to lean toward the West, so the world is now in a dangerous position it has not seen since the world shifted from the hot war of the nineteen-forties to the Cold War of the nineteen-fifties—when the paranoid Philip K. Dick was the only one reporting the real news.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 21:45:43 +0000

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