Wise men throughout the ages have stated that the only thing that - TopicsExpress


Wise men throughout the ages have stated that the only thing that is constant in the world is change; this is truer today than it has ever been. Change is happening all around us at lightning speed. Sometimes these changes can be a bit frightening and unsettling. Changes in one’s life can often lead to stress. Stress can lead to a wide array of physiological and psychological conditions. Is there anything about your environment that causes you stress? Stress can lead to elevated blood pressure and heart rate, substance abuse, tension headaches, depression, extreme mood swings, irritability, and many other conditions most of us do not want to experience. Are you experiencing stress now? There is good news, however. The effects of stress can easily be managed. There are several techniques available to help alleviate the affects of stress. Try first to identify and correct whatever is causing you stress. If you cannot eliminate it, you can manage how it affects you. 1. Perhaps the best technique to reduce stress is to accept that change does happen and that not everything will be according to our preference. It is easier to go with the flow than to swim against the current. 2. Take a deep breath. The additional oxygen will help you relax and think more clearly. 3. Ask yourself, “What is the source of the stress and is it important enough to be concerned about?” Will this issue will be important 5 years from now. 4. Count to ten. Learn to do it in a foreign language. Take your focus away from the source of your stress for a few moments and focus on something else. 5. Laugh. 6. Move around. Get up and stretch your legs, rotate your shoulder forward and back, walk to the other end of the office just to get a pencil. Get the blood to flow and the muscles to move to alleviate tension and reduce stress. 7. Talk to a friend. Take a few moments to speak with a friend about anything other than work. Talk – don’t type. Get personal and actually speak with someone close to you. 8. Eat something. If you are eating properly, stress is much easier to manage. Start your day with a good breakfast. Your body will appreciate the energy and the nutrients. 9. Go to sleep. Just as the body needs food to function at its best, it also needs rest. Only burn one end of the candle. Get a good night’s sleep. 10. Change your surroundings. Place family pictures on the desk, have a talk with your supervisor or another company representative, or maybe you might have to get a new job. Smile; people will think you are up to something.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 20:49:55 +0000

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