With June already here and July fast approaching there are two - TopicsExpress


With June already here and July fast approaching there are two things you can guarantee: summer is going to be hot, and the NFL summer camps in July are coming up fast, so here is my outlook on all thirty-two teams this year as the camps approach: AFC East: Buffalo Bills After a typical and rather lack luster (6-10) season last year, with the addition of newcomer Sammy Watkins the fabled Bills of Buffalo look to make the 2014-15 season a tad more successful then things have been going for them... They have an offense that can work miracles and the fact that they got 6 wins last year is a testament to that, its their defense that unfortunately is the problem they ranked among the worst in the league if they could just get some key names to that roster I feel theyll have a good shot at beating the other three teams in the AFC East. My prediction for them is (7-9) New England Patriots After one of better seasons (12-4) last year it looked like the Patriots were poised once again the favorite to win the AFC and once again go to a Super Bowl, but as fate (and Peyton Manning) would have it that was not the case, their biggest addition this year was Wisconsin RB James White which is kind of fitting since the Pats running game hasnt been great since Kevin Faulk played for them all those years ago... Their defense was their downfall last year losing game to teams they should have beaten.. Resting it all on the shoulders of veteran QB Tom Brady who admittingly is showing signs of aging... Prediction is (10-6) New York Jets With the addition of Michael Vick and Louisville standout Calvin Pryor the only chink in the Jets chain of armor is coach Rex Ryan, now granted hes led the team to some pretty decent playoff runs I dont think (8-8) was what the front office was looking for and this year I dont foresee it happening again this year... Sure they have Michael Vick but lets face it since his return to the league hes looked nothing short of average. And by average I mean Kevin Colb average, I know Im going to get a lot of heat for that statement but thats the truth and in fact the entire team looks meager prediction (6-10) Miami Dolphins Once again Miami showed that theyre a team thats not going to give up with an (8-8) record to show for it hopefully the addition of Tennessee OT JuWan James they can live up to their expectations, unfortunately one OT isnt going to help a team whose scoring has been nothing more than lethargic to say the least prediction (4-12) North: Baltimore Ravens (8-8) wasnt the record the defending Super Bowl champs were looking for especially after shelling out the money they did for their QB Joe Flacco but thats the way things go in all sports these days one year youre a championship calibre team the next youre scraping the outside of the barrel to get in, only falling 5 games short to division rival Cincinnati, people will argue that Alabama ILB CJ Mosley is their biggest new asset but I have a sense that Florida State FS Terrence Brooks who single handedly manhandled Auburns offense in the National Title game has something to say about that. He had the highest defensive markings among all NCAA teams last year nothing against CJ Mosley but did he win a NCAA title last year?! Didnt think so! Prediction 12-4 Cincinnati Bengals Now I know a lot of bengals fans are going to want me to praise them for their (11-5) division winning record, but the fact of the matter is the AFC North SUCKS! And their early exit in the playoffs was proof of that granted it was Daltons first real playoff experience in his young professional career the team was just too green.. Cincy however bounced back with two huge pick ups in former Alabama QB AJ McCarron and Arizona OLB Marquis Flowers, I wouldnt count the mighty Bengals of Cincinnati out for another run prediction (12-4) Cleveland Browns Cleveland finished as predicted (4-12) but no one saw the dog pound drafting Texas A&M standout QB Johnny Manziel. But as I stated on draft day dont expect him to take this rough riding team of misfits to up and storm the league, instead expect the opposite Manziel will struggle, as predictably will the Browns. Prediction (2-14) Pittsburgh Steelers What is there to say about Pittsburgh, the only player of worth they pick up was OLB Ryan Shazier from THE Ohio State Buckeyes but needless to say the team who finished a meager (8-8) as I predicted last year... And with Will Farrells fat look alike at QB (Ben Worthlessbooger Roethlisberger) who moves slower than molasses in Alaska in January it doesnt look good for the steelers.. Prediction (6-10) South: Houston Texans The Texans didnt have the season they were hoping for after their playoff run the year prior, plagued by injuries to JJ Watt among other key players they only scrounged up a measly (2-14) record. However their record didnt hurt them as they picked South Carolina Gamecocks standout Jadaveon Clowney but one man cant fix a team, the mighty Texans are going to have to train hard and play even harder... prediction (8-8) Indianapolis Colts The curse of Peyton Manning continues to plague Andrew Luck and the Colts despite the (11-5) season they had, they were ousted in the second round... And with no real big names picked up in the draft it looks like things will get harder before they get easier. Prediction (9-7) Jacksonville Jaguars QB Speaking the Jaguars hit the lottery as they drafted the #1 overal candidate in Central Floridas Blake Bortles and with a 4 and 12 season last year, lord knows they need it playing in what is arguably the easiest division in the AFC there is no reason why this team should struggle.... Prediction (10-6) Tennessee Titans Lets face it... 13 years ago the Titans were a team to fear, now with Jake Locker at the helm it doesnt look good...The Titans balanced out their picks with three on defense and three on offense. They also addressed two major needs in quarterback and running back. However, dont expect to see a lot of this draft class on the field in 2014. This draft was focused on the extended future and building backup plans on both sides of the ball. So dont expect a championship run this year in Nashville. prediction (5-11) West: Denver Broncos the Denver Broncos front office executed a snooze fest of a draft that could put me to sleep faster than a Kansas City Royals vs. Toronto Blue Jays day game. However, The Denver Broncos have torn through free agency like no other team in the NFL, signing big names and apparently getting almost anyone they want. Theyve filled needs, overhauled the defense and given themselves an infusion of athleticism and nastiness. With the additions of T.J. Ward, DeMarcus Ware, Aqib Talib and Emmanuel Sanders, the Super Bowl runner up Broncos are the BIGGEST threat in the AFC as well as the NFL and providing the stars align they could be the on the verge of a near perfect season prediction (15-1) Kansas City Chiefs Though they had only six picks, the Chiefs covered a lot of ground. They selected a pass-rusher, a cornerback, a combination slot receiver/running back/kick returner, a quarterback and two developmental offensive linemen. Not all were immediate needs, but the potential is there for the Chiefs to get a lot from this class. Oregons DeAnthony Thomas, a fourth-round pick, might represent the best value. Their biggest concern is their QB position, granted Alex Smith is a great QB, sadly and this is the honest truth, getting replaced by Colin Kaepernick on his old team the San Francisco 49ers played a huge part in his play off run last year, his first year with the Chief never the less was highly successful and next year will be too prediction (12-4) Oakland Raiders Lets face it, the raiders who finished the season (4-12) last year havent drafted well in the last 20 years with the exception of Darren McFadden, no big names have ever come to Oakland, and for a team that hasnt won a Super Bowl for 30 years it doesnt look like any things going to change anytime soon, Prediction (2-14) San Diego Chargers After a promising (9-7) season last year and the new addition to TCU standout Running-back Tevin Reese, Phillip Rivers might actually have a team worth playing for, for once, with that being said getting past Denver and Kansas City wont be easy but if any team can upset those two AFC powerhouses its the Chargers Prediction. (10-6) NFC East: Dallas Cowboys Texas Tech LB Will Smith is the only name the Cowboys drafted this year worth mentioning, this tenacious linebacker will do great things if only Dallas can get rid of their thorns in their side (quarterback Tony Romo and owner Jerry Jones)... These two men plague this team like the Bubonic Plague did in the 1700s... Needless to say Dez Bryant still remains the best player on a team that has no chance in the NFC East prediction. (8-8) New York Giants The Giants addressed an immediate and long-term need with the selection of Colorado State center Weston Richburg with the 11th pick of the second round. Richburg played multiple positions and in a variety of different offensive schemes in college, and his versatility, athleticism and intelligence make him a strong fit for the center spot in the Giants. However the G-men dont look as good as they did when they won both Super Bowls, a record of (7-9) wasnt what they wanted and honestly I think they have a chance of repeating that performance or even one upping it. prediction (8-8) Philadelphia Eagles Lack of draft picks once again plagued Philadelphia with the hopes of Johnny Football joining them snuffed out courtesy of Cleveland, the Kevin Colb era of the Eagles looks bleak, prediction (9-7) Washington Redskins Special teams has always plagued the skins, but the addition of Arkansas Place-kicker Zach Hocker looks to change all that, its now a matter of if former Baylor standout and Heisman Trophy Winner RG3 can stay healthy get along with his coach and execute his plays to help this team return to Coach Joe Gibbs winning status, granted Mike Shanahan is NO Joe Gibbs, prediction (10-6) North: Chicago Bears Defensive Tackle Ego Ferguson from LSU was probably the best move Da Bears could have made all draft year, granted its probably not going to make them a Super Bowl Winning team any time soon Fergusons addition will help a hobbling Chicago Defense, now if Jay Cutler could pull his head out of his ass and actually play like he wants to be there the Bears could actually win the NFC North. Prediction (10-6) Detroit Lions UNC Tight End Eric Ebron was a risky decision for the Lions to draft first, but with every risk there is a reward and Ebrons rewards could come plentiful, despite a 7-9 record a year after their playoff run was cut short wasnt what Detroit had hoped for, they gained the knowledge and the players to make a decent run at winning the NFC North.. Prediction (13-3) Green Bay Packers (8-7-1) wasnt what the city if Green Bay was hoping for... Especially the tie coming to rival Minnesota, Aaron Rodgers has done a decent job as a replacement for the great Brett Favre including a Super Bowl win... The team is suffering its ups and downs and this year wont be any better Prediction (6-10) Minnesota Vikings Adrian Petersons Vikings stumbled and faltered over their own feet last season finishing a poor (5-10-1), again the Vikings struggle at quarterback position, however the addition of Miami Hurricanes 3-year Starter QB Teddy Bridgewater things could finally change...with time Prediction (8-8) South: Atlanta Falcons With a record last year of (4-12) the addition of Texas A&M OT Jake Matthews is a welcome sight for sore Coordinators eyes, Matt Ryan had a decent season despite the poor record and this year hell bounce back, the team will have a struggle of a season despite the additions Predictions (8-8) Carolina Panthers With the addition of Florida State Wide Receiver Kelvin Benjamin, Cam Newton might actually have competent hands to throw to.. Benjamin scored the last Touchdown in the NCAA championship game to win it for FSU... So needless to say Newtons new wideout is very dependable in the clutch and this year I feel the Panthers who finished 12-4 last year are a legit contender in the NFC South this year as well. Prediction (11-5) New Orleans Saints Despite losing to San Francisco in round 2 of the playoffs last year the Saints had a pretty good season finishing 11-5.. After the Departure of Darren Sproles many saints fans questioned the speed of their wide receivers... The the addition of Oregon States Brandin Cooks might ease their minds as this zippy59 wideout will bob and weave his way into the end zones Prediction (13-3) Tampa Bay Buccaneers The Buccaneers are in what seemingly seems to be the longest Championship Coma in professional athletics history, at (4-12) last season it seems the 2002 Super Bowl Champs still live in the past 12 years ago...perhaps the addition of Hard Hitting Texas A&M Offensive Tackle Mike Evans can knock some sense into this team, but I doubt it Prediction (1-15) West: Arizona Cardinals Despite their (10-6) record last year the Arizona Cardinals just missed the playoffs, no thanks to Seattle and San Francisco, but the addition of Washington State Free Safety Dontè Bucannon might stir things up for the desert birds, but unlikely... prediction 9-7 San Francisco 49ers With the draft out of the way quite possibly the most talked about topic in the 49ers camp is the fact that theyll be seeing Colin Kaepernick for another 6 years... And that 83 million of their hard earned dollars will be paying his salary for those six years... But lets not forget the fact that San Francisco also picked up former Ohio State and Big10 standout Running Back Carlos Hyde... This kid racked up huge numbers in his 3 years with the Buckeyes wreaking havoc all over the gridiron especially against his fellow Big10 Opponents, and that combined with new teammate Frank Gore should make the 49ers a viable running threat... Prediction (12-4) Seattle Seahawks The defending 2014 Super Bowl Champions (13-3 last year) started their off season on the right foot with the drafting of Wide Receiver Paul Richardson from Colorado to replace the empty hole that Golden Tate left when he departed for Detroit, and the recent resigning of Richard Sherman guarantees another strong defensive campaign for the Seahawks... And as much as I hate to say this being a Saints fan... Seattle looks strong enough to once again take the NFC and even possibly the Super Bowl again this season offensively most of the team is still there... Prediction (14-2) St. Louis Rams With 3 of the 7 draft picks coming from last years top two teams (2 from Auburn and 1 from FSU) its no question that the rams got top notch players... Its their current players that are the problem with this team... Dont expect much from this team this year Prediction (6-10)
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 20:48:02 +0000

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